My little sister travels a lot. Countless times each year since moving to Kentucky for college six years, one bachelor’s degree, and a house ago. This year, we did the travel and went to Lexington for Easter. In addition to our crazy crew, my little brother drove down from Ohio State and my dad was able to see Elise’s new house. We played many, many rounds of Spot It, went to the park, they went to opening weekend at Keenland {sadly not a trifecta was won} and we also watched a suspense-filled final four game that we’re not allowed to mention.
We had an Easter brunch and an Easter egg hunt… the egg hiding was hilarious and luckily someone found the one in the microwave before turning it on the next morning. That is what happens when you let 20-somethings hide eggs and then try to remember where they are in the morning. There *may* have also been some terribly-written Easter Bunny raps courtesy of my little brother. I used Oma’s vintage table cloth on the table, my sister’s Kentucky horse plates, fun bird napkins from Ikea, and we indulged in some seriously decadent treats sent to us by Shari’s Berries. The weekend was incredible and I am sure my sister and El are still recovering from the whirling dervishes that are Finn & Tate hopped up on sugar.
Here is a peek. How did you spend Easter weekend?
Disclosure: Shari’s Berries sent the treats, all opinions of their incredible decadence are my own.

Love the bird napkins. And as always the table set-up looks very cute!!! Sounds like you all had some wonderful family time. My family all lives nearby so we just made the rounds to my mother-in-laws and my grandmother's. My mom hides the eggs for the kids and fills them with money {mostly $1 bills} and once again this year there were 5 eggs missing.....i told her she needs to draw a map:) And i totally forgot to write a note to my kids from the Easter bunny....WTF how could i forget that?! Probably because they were bouncing off the walls before bed bedtime......
I am so sad that we missed you! And I agree that the Final Four game should not be mentioned ;)
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