We were right in the midst of decorating the tree when Santa, who was out riding around on his sleigh on a test run, spotted us through the window and made a surprise visit to the house. You can be sure that we were all stunned that he took time to stop over and see us since he is so busy right now. He had to use the sleigh with wheels though because we didn’t have a lick of snow yet.
It was the real Santa too, Finn tested his knowledge with a lot of questions... just to be sure.
In case you were wondering, all of the reindeer are GIRLS, except for old Rudolph, of course. Blitzen is the fastest and Vixen is his favorite. Santa remembered that time when Uncle Christopher stayed up all night waiting for him! And told us about what little Dave was like as a kid, even though that was a LONG time ago. Santa even heard from the elves that Finn and Tate had JUST finished their Christmas list and he took it back to the North Pole personally!
He made time to talk to every child in the house, including Monty Poodle who got in a little trouble for eating the reindeer’s carrots two years ago. He told Finn that that he needed to be nice to his sister and to keep up the excellent school work. He also drove home the message we’ve been trying to instill about the season, time with family and friends, giving and service to others. And Tate just wanted to eat her ‘candy corn’ aka candy cane that Santa brought to our house and touch the shiny buttons on his coat. He took photos and we sang a song and he told the kids a very special story.
It was awesome, Finn told us so first thing the next morning.
*Disclaimer: Santa Ken is a very close friend of the family who had Santa school and being Santa on his bucket list and decided this was the year he’d do that. We paid for his visit and it was worth every penny. All opinions are my own and he didn’t know, nor ask me to post on his behalf. If you would like to book him for your own visit and you’re in the metro Toledo, Ohio area, you can email him santa.ken1105@gmail.com, he is booking through December 22 and filling quickly. A half an hour visit with up to four children {so there is time with each child} is $75. He can also make arrangements to deliver gifts if you arrange that in advance.

Oh, my gosh - Michelle, this is the coolest, coolest EVER. I've never thought of doing this, but what a fabulous way to start the holiday season!
I am SO glad we did it early! It was such a fun thing to do and they both loved it so much.
That is SO cool! Santa visits my family's Christmas on Christmas Eve, but a surprise visit at home would be truly magical!
This is fantastic! I wish there was one around our area!
How awesome is that?!?! Such lucky kiddos :) Santa used to come visit me every year as a child and it's something I wish I could do for my kids. I don't know that Santa comes around these parts until Christmas Eve though!!!
So wonder-full for Finn and Tate! Is that a beautifully refinished hardwood floor underneath your Christmas tree?
So cool! (Santa) Ken is a friend of ours too and I thought it was so great I recognized him even before reading the end of your post!
This is such a PRICELESS experience! Those pictures are wonderful!
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