I’m going to say this quick, it’ll be like ripping off a band-aid. Ready?
People who hijack Facebook all November long with their numbered daily thankfulness posts annoy me.
I know, I know.
It’s not the thankfulness, it’s the hijacking Facebook and telling your second cousin once removed or that kid you went to grade school with what you’re thankful for. It’s also the berating yourself for missing a day, or forgetting about it around day 9, the struggling to come up with something for day 20, or the fact that those people and things you’re thankful for would benefit from hearing it directly from you in a private moment, not blasted on Facebook. Look your kid in the eye and say, “You are so funny and talented and incredible and I’m so lucky to have you.”
Mostly it’s the hijacking though. Everyone else is doing it, so I should be too. I feel the same way about the fact that people are outraged, OUTRAGED! about whatever the newest fake ‘news’ that is floating around and they don’t bother to check Snopes before reposting ad nauseam and making other people outraged. Vicious Facebook cycle. Of course it must be true, it’s on the internet!
You know what makes me outraged? Hint: It’s not that Obamacare is going to implant you with an RFID chip. {See Also: Really? Really, you believe this?}
My outrage is that there are people in our community without enough to eat. And it’s Thanksgiving, there are supposed to be gluttonous, turkey and mashed potato and pie eating dinners. As in more than one, or at least leftovers because we all know that is the best part. Followed by a nap. I’ll be your best friend if you donate just $5 right now to the Cherry Street Mission or a food bank in your community or to that family at school who is struggling.
That would make me thankful.
Not enough to numerate it and hijack Facebook though.

I do thankful posts everyday, and I love it. I look forward to it ahead of time. It helps me remember how fortunate I am. I also tell my family and friends in person OFTEN how lucky I am to have them. I don't think the two are mutually exclusive. Also did you know that people who appreciate what they have are MORE LIKELY to share the wealth? True story. (Though I probably read it on Facebook ... lol)
Done and done Michelle. Donations to local food banks all year long are so important. :)
Preach it, sister.
I'm just going to burst that bubble now... my freakishly creepy elf Phineas is coming real soon!!! Be prepared to keep your level of annoyance on high alert!!!!
The reposting of ridiculous crap has gotten out of hand. We had a post go bananas around here a few weeks back about a kid who was arrested for being drunk and supposedly threatening the kids in the area. People pulled kids from school. The local paper and news had to put out "breaking news" that he was in custody, had been in custody and there was no one in harms way. They were then going after the people who plastered it all over FB. OUT OF CONTROL!!!!
And I agree... feed the people. Invite them over. Friends of your kids who can't afford to eat, come on over. Help out a food bank. Couldn't agree more!!!!
Erin, no worries my sweet friend, I have a post just for you coming up.
YES!!!!! I saw an e-card that said something about November being the month of people who usually complain all year long becoming "thankful" for 30 days. Spot on.
I like the thankful posts... I think most people don't think about it much (I try to). I especially like when my most Negative Nelly friends force themselves to think differently. -Bea
I'd rather people were thankful all year round instead of just Facebook thankful because everyone else is doing it. And backonland is absolutely right, the two aren't always mutually exclusive.
Thumbs up :)
Yes, yes, and YES! But my Elf on the Shelf pictures are coming for you. When you combine him with He-Man and Strawberry Shortcake, how could you NOT share? (We may THINK we're funnier at my house than we actually ARE...)
And - done. Donated to a Birmingham, AL shelter: www.jimmiehalemission.com
I want to be your best friend ! Right there with you. I donate to my local food bank.
What makes you so important that you too can not be thankful? It is the holidays, the time of year you should be thankful for all that God has given you. Your post makes YOU sound anoying and profoundly ungrateful, which I am afraid has backfired on you.
I love this post so hard, I may have to thank you for it on Facebook. ;)
Exactly why I've never had a Facebook page. Go real time and volunteer instead of talking about it.
Is it wrong that I want to Facebook your graphic?
Local food bank - check. Lunch for the homeless vet on the corner - check.
Annoyed at the non-Snopes checkers - check, check. I am that obnoxious, annoying person that posts the Snopes link in their comments that contradicts their pass-it-around-without-checking story.
I was just thinking this very thing this afternoon. Why is it that people do this only in Nov and it's never anything more interesting than a list of the same things every year? I agree, don't just profess your thankfulness on FB, walk the walk. Good read. I'll be following your posts :)
Truth. Foodchat has a #foodthanks campaign going on right now that I think is awesome. http://foodthanks.com/
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