Homemade Halloween decorations are the best, bonus points if they are easy and they look great. These DIY Halloween eyeball lights are just that, you can make these as scary or as silly as you want. It’s such a simple project that even non-crafty people can do. I made these for our Hotel Transylvania outdoor movie night, but they would be perfect for a party for Halloween. The best part, when Halloween is over, just gently pull them off the string of lights and save them to re-use next year.
All you need:
- A string of lights. {I used icicle Christmas lights because we had them, but any strand of lights will do.}
- Sharpie markers. {Red, black, + any other colors you like for the eyeballs.}
- Plain white ping pong balls. {As many as you’d like to make, we used about 20 for ours.}
- X-acto knife.
I spent probably an hour and a half drawing the eyeballs on the ping pong balls. Try to use vibrant colors, so they show up well. The metallic color Sharpies also turned out really fun on these.
Once you get your eyeballs done, you’ll use your x-acto to cut an X into the back of the ping pong ball. Then, gently push the light on to the ping pong ball.

What a great and fun decoration idea!
I seriously love Hotel Transylvania.
Those lights are too cute!
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