Fair Trade, Green Mountain Coffee, + A Giveaway!

19 September 2013

Keurig Green Mountain
I would call our household moderately socially and environmentally conscious.  We’re probably a little more so than most Americans, but there are definitely areas that we could improve.  We recycle, we compost though we aren’t fanatical about it, and we shop at our local farmer’s market whenever possible.  We also try to support companies that make good choices with our purchasing dollars wherever we can.  I think there are lots of ways to do simple, easy things to make a difference.  Even if it doesn’t feel like a monumental contribution to remember to take the reusable bags to the store with you, just think what would happen if everyone made those small changes. 

One of those little things is purchasing Fair Trade Certified™ coffee.
We are daily coffee drinkers at our house.  Throughout the year, that makes for a lot of coffee beans.  I like knowing when I buy coffee and consciously choose Fair Trade Certified that we’re using our purchasing power to make sure that people in farming communities are getting a fair wage for their hard work.  Fair Trade, in essence, eliminates the middleman who often would pay a fraction of its value, and puts coffee farmers in direct contact with the roasters that are buying their product.  These roasters, in turn, are also building sustainable relationships with farmers to ensure that they are using the land in an environmentally sound way, enabling them to develop the best product possible.
In 2000, Green Mountain Coffee Roasters, Inc., owner of Keurig and Green Mountain Coffee®, was one of the first roasters in the United States to offer Fair Trade Certified coffee to consumers.  They sent us the Platinum Brewing System and a whole lot of Fair Trade Certified Green Mountain Coffee to try.  I was a little hesitant to make the leap to a Keurig after being a traditional brew girl all these years.  I have been pleasantly surprised at how easy it is to use and how much I like being able to freshly brew a single cup throughout the day.  Since the K-Cup packs are only partially recyclable, I am also going to take the suggestion of a friend and buy their re-usable K-Cup!  
Green Mountain Coffee is celebrating Fair Trade Month in October and confirming their commitment to Fair Trade with their new, Extra Bold blend, Fair Trade Certified™ Three Continent Blend.  They teamed up with Kelly Clarkson who was sent on an adventure to visit a coffee farm in Peru.  You can share in her experiences and learn more at Choose Fair Trade.
Are you a coffee drinker, and if so, would you consider buying fair trade coffee?

Tell me and one So Wonderful, So Marvelous reader will receive a Keurig® Brewing System and a Green Mountain Coffee® gift basket!

Sweepstakes Rules: No duplicate comments. You may receive (2) total entries by selecting from the following entry methods: Leave a comment in response to the sweepstakes prompt on this post Tweet (public message) about this promotion; including exactly the following unique term in your tweet message: “#SweepstakesEntry”; and leave the URL to that tweet in a comment on this post Blog about this promotion, including a disclosure that you are receiving a sweepstakes entry in exchange for writing the blog post, and leave the URL to that post in a comment on this post For those with no Twitter or blog, read the official rules to learn about an alternate form of entry. This giveaway is open to US Residents age 18 or older. Winner will be selected via random draw, and will be notified by e-mail. You have 72 hours to get back to me, otherwise a new winner will be selected. The Official Rules are available here. This sweepstakes runs from 09/18/13-10/31/13.


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Katie said...

How fab is that?! Fingers crossed! khorrell@att.net

Susan said...

I'm not a coffee drinker, but my husband is. We do buy fair-trade coffee (and tea!); I feel better about it when we do.

Stephanie said...

Coffee drinker from birth here! Well, maybe not that early but close enough. Would I consider buying fair trade coffee? Of course (and I already do)! Not just coffee but other goods, too, like chocolate, honey, sugar, cotton, etc.

Anonymous said...

We always buy fair-trade!! :) jorg0206@umn.edu

Unknown said...

I have actually never even thought about that! That's fantastic! Yes, I would buy fair trade if it was an option!

Amanda B. said...

Coffee addict, fair trade coffee buyer! abrookeratliff@hotmail.com

Stephanie said...

We love coffee! We would consider buying fair trade coffee. Thanks!

Krystal said...

My partner and I drink Pete's Coffee at home everyday. Not sure if it's fair trade but now I'm going to find out! Definitely would buy fair trade. klpphoto@gmail.com

Miss S said...

I already buy fair trade coffee!

Miss S said...

I tweeted too! https://twitter.com/Stacy_712/status/380733155830820866

Peanut2211 said...

Love coffee and I buy those k cups!

Unknown said...

Hi - I actually love the new Three Continent Blend and would definitely consider switching completely to fair trade. I'm not sure I understood before the impact of Fair Trade vs. Not.

Also, as a side note, I just bought the EkoBrew reusable k-cup and LOVE IT! The key selling point is that it fits in the Keurig just like any other k-cup. :)[on Amazon, it's $8.00. Just Search Ekobrew-Refillable-Keurig-Brewers]

email is: trsboston73@yahoo.com

Unknown said...

Coffee is a must in our household! We buy free trade coffee from a local coffee shop.


Maddie said...

Trying to make lots of little changes like this in our house. Switching to Fair Trade coffee would be a perfect step in the right direction. mhillwig@hotmail.com

Anonymous said...

Coffee every morning at this house, need the jumpstart to be a pleasant person! We do buy fair trade, but it's out of the ol' Mr Coffee. Never owned a Keurig....maybe I'll get lucky ;-)


Anonymous said...

I did not realize there was such an organization - what a great idea! I will look for fair trade coffee the next time I buy! sarahu81@hotmail.com

pacalaga said...

Alas, I read recently that fair trade doesn't always guarantee a livable wage. I have been reading about tea pickers, and even brands that are "certified fair trade" pay far below even the standard minimum wage for the location.

This Confetti Life said...

Love coffee--especially fair trade!

my spare time design said...

Awesome and Finally! These two words came to mind when I saw this because everyone knows I love my coffee being on about the same scale as your family, we try and do our part to make sure those who provide us with the items we use everyday are fairly compensated. This is awesome....hopefully the next step is recyclable containers or pods I think you call them....great contest!

Linda said...

I was hesitant to buy a Keurig at first because I was afraid of not being able to find good fair-trade K-cups. But once I realized that Green Mountain had fair trade (and that I could use the reusable K-cup to put my own fair trade certified grounds in) I was a believer! There are some other brands that also have fair trade K-cup options now too, including the Target Archer Farms brand (which is really affordable!). Glad to see others mentioning adding additional fair trade prodcuts to their households too, like chocolate! Thanks for highlighting this!

Anonymous said...

Oooh! Pick me!!! I have 6 busy, involved in everything, kids and a crazy coffee-is-a-must life! :) eagles_mom_6@hotmail.com

canape said...

Our church sells fair trade coffee, tea, chocolate, and olive oil. It's wonderful!

And now, for first world problems, I could really use a new Kuerig. Thanks for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

We own a Keurig and I love buying fair trade coffee, especially Green Mountain! andreyheather@gmail.com

Unknown said...

Fabulous! Hoping I win!! cassiopia07@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

I would love to have a Keurig and I already purchase Green Mountain whenever I can. I am a single mom and such luxuries are few and far between. I do try to buy Fair Trade whenever I can. In the past three years, I have been converting to a green, organic life and daily becoming more aware of how my actions/purchases affect the world that I want to be better. So, I spend my money where it makes a difference! Thanks! vdewaters@comcast.net

redhdrn27 said...

I LOVE buying fair trade! Too much of our hard earned money goes to big companies that care way too much about profit and way too little about the what they're actually feeding America. Fair trade, local and organic.... it's what's for dinner!

Adele said...

I am definitely a coffee drinker (I have two girls under 3!) and am always open to trying new brands/flavors. Thanks!

Susie Q said...

Hubby loves his coffee and I drink occasionally as well. I think I would def try fair trade coffee. suzziers at yahoo com

Anna said...

I absolutely love coffee and must have at least one cup every morning. A Keurig would save me so much time and of course I would be willing to buy fair trade coffee!

Unknown said...

I love knowing that the product I am buying is benefiting the "person" who's hard work went into making the product. It's important for us as humans to be aware of others hardships - and to help any way we can. Bravo to you for bringing this to light!!

Angela said...

I love coffe and I love knowing the farmers are earning a decent wage and benefiting from their harvests.

Emmy Lou said...

Fair trade all the way! I'm in.

Anonymous said...

I love coffee. I go for the decaf variety. I would buy any coffee if it was good. It is about time someone thought about the farmers.
p.s. I am the only one who drinks coffee in my family, so this would be genius! Just sayin.

Jenn Plummer said...

Heck yeah I love coffee! Unfortunately I’m the only one in my house who does. My nine year old took pity on me this weekend and made coffee for me. Genius! I’m so lucky! Until I realized he also put some ‘secret ingredients’ in it. That bite? It was Tabasco Sauce.
So, yes, please, I would use a Keurig with Fair Trade coffee. And my son would hear me swear less.

Unknown said...

I've been drinking coffee for over twenty years and got my husband hooked over ten years ago despite the fact that he said he'd never drink coffee. Mwahahahaha! We started buying fair trade coffee as soon as it was available in our area; early in the game as we live in the progressive San Francisco Bay Area.
I'm crossing my fingers for the Keurig and Fair Trade coffee! hndodge@gmail.com

Amy Stuempges said...

I try to buy fair trade whenever I can. Love Green Mountain coffee!

Ang said...

Fair trade always appeals to me. I would love a new Keurig.

Mary Kate said...

I love Green Mountain Coffee! I love that it's fair trade!

Elena said...

I am a coffee drinker and would buy fair trade coffee


Elena said...



SandyM said...

I am a coffee drinker, owner of a Keurig, and love Green Mountain Coffee!

Anonymous said...

I go to bed every night looking forward to my cup of coffee in the morning! Fair trade all the way! -Rachel whir0008@hotmail.com

Emily said...

I'm an occasional coffee drinker, and I'd be willing to try fair trade coffee.

MelissaB said...

I drink at least 2-3 cups a day, my husband another 1-2. We go through a lot! And I LOVE using fair trade coffee. The coffee is good and I'll support positive business practices whenever I can.

Amy said...

I would try fair trade coffee and I would definitely buy the reusable K cup if I had a Keurig!

Sarah said...

Yes and yes! I always try to buy fair trade coffee (and chocolate) when I can, although I'm surprised that sometimes you can't find it in my regular grocery store! Thank goodness for Target (in so many ways....)

Anonymous said...

My hubby and I are both coffee drinkers and we've bought fair trade in the past. I do feel better about myself when we buy it!
madelinebrubaker {at} gmail [dot] com

Anonymous said...

Love coffee, love fair trade! stew3girls@charter.net

Lucy S said...

I am a serious coffee drinker and I try my hardest to buy fair trade.

d schmidt said...

I am an occasional coffee drinker but I would definitely opt for Fair Trade coffee if purchasing in the supermarket.


Ashley said...

As I if I don't drink enough coffee! Although this would eliminate me making a nearly full pot in the afternoons.

But like you I would have to get the reusable K-Cup. You know how I feel about protecting Mother Earth.

d schmidt said...



Ashley said...

My husband and I are coffee drinkers and lovers. Currently, I am pregnant which has dampened my coffee love but fear not it will come back soon. We love to purchase fair trade for our weekend cups. On the weekday we just use our reusable K-Cup thing (don't like to waste the good coffee when you don't have the chance to sit down and savor it!).

Ally said...

I love my coffee (and I'm the only one in my family who does, making a coffee pot less useful!) and I already buy fair trade when I can.

Ammy Belle said...

Yes I am a coffee drinker (and how!) and I actually have been purchasing fair trade coffee since I watched a documentary in my first year of Uni. It tastes great - and I feel better buying it :)


Rebecca Z. said...

More than the taste of coffee, which I enjoy drinking, I love the SMELL of coffee. I am currently pregnant and often as my coworkers to stop by my desk after they get a cup of coffee so I can smell that lovely brew. Is that weird? If so, please don't tell me. Thank you

zepp 10 16 04 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

My husband and I are both huge coffee lovers! I love the idea of buying fair trade coffee!

Anonymous said...

Tweet link: https://twitter.com/shala_darkstone/status/381227852063993856

Anonymous said...

your blog is always entertaining and informative. i love coffee and will be sure to read the lables from now on. bethwoodbury@buckeye-express.com

Unknown said...

I'm not a coffee drinker (I know, it's weird) but my husband is a serious coffee drinker, and I would definitely consider fair trade coffee!

L. Kerr (Admin) said...

My entire family drinks and loves coffee, we would love to try Fair Trade!

Ash said...

We are definite coffee drinkers in our house. I buy fair-trade on occasion, but it's not always easy to find when I'm out shopping for coffee


Dee said...

I am a coffee drinker and would definitely consider buying free-trade. Not sure if Starbucks has it but I will definitely check out Green Mountain :)

deeg131 at gmail dot com

Dee said...

tweeted https://twitter.com/DeeGee13/status/381648902572613632

deeg131 at gmail dot com

Amy Ashley said...

We prefer fair trade, but it can be difficult to find in the small town we live in. The best coffee we've found thus far is at our local liquor store! I've been hesitant to try the Kuerig system, but the rest of my family is in love.

Katie Kastner said...

My husband and I love coffee and we would definitely consider fair trade!

peg42 said...

I love my coffee and would be lost without it and yes, I would buy Fair trade coffee. Thanks so much.

peg42 said...

Tweeted: https://twitter.com/peg42/status/382276836626944001
Thanks so much.

Scott said...

I am not a coffee drinker but the Keurig makes great dark tea also.

Anonymous said...

I would love this to make tea with

kroch said...

I am a coffee drinker and would definitely consider buying fair trade.


JC said...

I am a coffee drinker and would definitely consider buying fair trade coffee.
tcarolinep at gmail dot com

JC said...


Amy said...

Oh yeah...I'm a coffee drinker and would buy fair trade coffee. thanks for the information too. always good to learn more.

amy [at] utry [dot] it

Amy said...


amy [at] utry [dot] it

blessnel said...

Yes, I am an avid coffee person! I love fair trade and will support it but I have a suggestion. As a consumer, we would like to be able to trace the origins of the fair trade coffee we buy.

blessnel said...


Unknown said...

I am a coffee drinker! And I would buy fair trade coffee!! sharoo1975@yahoo.com

nat said...

I am an occasional coffee drinker and would definitely consider buying fair trade. I've tried various Green Mountain Coffees and they have all been good!

Unknown said...

I love coffee and I would buy fair trade coffee as long as it wasn't too expensive.

Unknown said...

I tweeted: https://twitter.com/sweepschick/status/383400124354805760

Anonymous said...

I grew up in a family where coffee was a staple. I love coffee, it gives me the pick-me-up I need to mentally prepare myself for the day. I work with at-risk youth and need the caffeine to keep me going. I would and have purchased fair trade coffee in the past, as long as the price is competitive.

seanm 1999 @ hotmail dot com

Janice said...

I'm not a coffee drinker. I’m more of a hot tea or hot cocoa person. I would love to win
this for my mother-in-law. She loves coffee and would consider buying fair trade.

Janice said...


jjb95621 said...

I love coffee, I have at least 1 cup every morning. I buy fair trade coffee. A Keurig® Brewing System and a Green Mountain Coffee® gift basket would be a great addition to my kitchen!

jjb95621 said...

I tweeted about the contest,
url https://twitter.com/jjb95621/status/384433555868110848

The Snarky Victorian said...

I'm a major coffee drinker, and I would definitely drink Fair Trade. I treat all coffee with equal love. ;)

Unknown said...

As a student who is working multiple jobs and an officer in several organizations, I would not survive my day without a nice cup of coffee. Fair Trade takes the guilt out of my cup of coffee by providing the workers with fair wages!

Deb K said...

We already buy fair trade coffee!

Deb K said...



Tina said...

I love coffee and I would buy fair trade coffee if they are good?!

Tina said...


Proud Navy Mom said...

Love ----- Love coffee and currently drink fair trade coffees.

Nicole Larsen said...

Yes, I am a coffee-a-holic! I look forward to my coffee every morning! I would definitely try Fair Trade Coffee :)


Nicole Larsen said...

tweeted https://twitter.com/pittsy82/status/386172195535192064


Liz said...

We prefer to buy fair trade (and Green Mountain) coffee because we know that the coffee is produced by folks who are paid a fair wage. I tweeted about the giveaway here: https://twitter.com/MamaArndThHouse/status/386991341042814976 mamaaroundthehouse@gmail.com

Southern Rambles said...

I practically live off coffee, and I would definitely drink it!

heather said...

Fair Trade, FTW!

Nikki said...

I am an massive coffee drinker. I love love love Green Mountain Fair Trade coffee! I so hope I win, I can never have enough caffeine!

LyndaS said...

I am a coffee drinker. I love FAIR TRADE products. All products should be fair trade.

TheresaSea said...

I'm not a coffee drinker (just tea and hot cocoa for me!), but I'd buy fair trade, fo sho. :)

Andrea said...

Yes and yes. I do. I try to as often as I can!

Andrea said...

Tweeted: https://twitter.com/goodgirlgonered/status/387014032743350273

Crystal Green said...

My husband is a coffee drinker. I definitely would go with a fair trade company! :)

Sera said...

Love Fair Trade! hxndsxdown@aol.com

Unknown said...

I love coffee and so does my husband and I would definitely try fair trade coffee!

Unknown said...

I love fair trade and would love to try it in a keurig!

April G said...

Oh my gosh, I am a huge coffee drinker, but I'm embarrassed to admit that I haven't thought much about fair trade coffee! I really should try it!


Mom Knows Best said...

I am a coffee snob and will buy fair trade

ms-texas said...

my family loves coffee and we would definitely buy fair trade!

debbiebellows (at) gmail (dot) com

RachLancy said...

We've got two coffee lovers in this household. We love Zingerman's coffee in Ann Arbor, but I'm not sure they're fair trade ;)

ms-texas said...

i posted a tweet : https://twitter.com/bellows22/status/388471400563892224

debbiebellows (at) gmail (dot) com

ashley @ sunnysideshlee.com said...

I am a coffee drinker or lover or whatever it is when you have an emotional connection to coffee -- jk! I would consider buying fair trade coffee and have actually purchased it before!


ashley @ sunnysideshlee.com said...


Ashley said...

Me! I love coffee!!!

Angela M said...

I am a coffee drinker. I love coffee!! I would buy fair trade.

thisisme79 @ gmall dot com

Anonymous said...

Love my coffee and I would buy fair trade coffee.

rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com

Angela M said...


thisisme79 @ gmail dot com

nickieisis3 said...

Love coffee and I buy those k cups!

Jessica said...

I drink coffee every day, I'm in college!! And I can't afford to buy 100% fair trade coffee so what I do is I buy a package of regular coffee and a package of fair trade coffee and mix them together. I feel horrible buying the regular coffee but it's $5.99 vs. $13.99 at my grocery store :/
I would love to buy fair trade coffee. Right now I buy fair trade sugar and chocolate because those are slightly cheaper, but I would like to make it 100% fair trade.

abrahamlincoln35 (at) aim (dot) com

Harmony said...

LOVE coffee! I have already purchased green mountain fair trade k cups

Harmony said...

tweet https://twitter.com/hburmeister/status/391523594116689920

Unknown said...

I am a big coffee drinker, and I would definitely consider fair trade.

Thanks for the chance to win!
wildorchid985 at gmail dot com

Unknown said...


wildorchid985 at gmail dot com

Kerry said...

I love coffee and I would definitely consider buying fair trade coffee!

erika said...

I drink coffee at least every morning, and sometimes make more in the evening if the craving hits! I would buy fair trade. I don't have a Keurig, but I think it could become my favorite kitchen appliance! :)

chambanachik at gmail dot com

Kelly Massman said...

I am a coffee drinker and would totally consider fair trade coffee! Thanks for a chance to win!!!! kmassman gmail

Erica best said...

i drink coffee sometime and i like fair trade items it makes u feel like u are doing your part

Erica best said...


Whitney said...

I am not a coffee drinker but I have never tried it either. I would try fair trade.

wlbellows at gmail dot com

Whitney said...


wlbellows at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Fair trade? Yes ma'am! Clbenton@hotmail.com

Tabathia B said...

I drink a few cups a week and would buy fair trade if on sale

tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com

Tabathia B said...

tweet https://twitter.com/ChelleB36/status/395547675975614466

tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com

slb3334 said...

I am not a coffee drinker.

peg42 said...

Yes, I'm a coffee drinker and yes, I like Fair Trade because it helps farmers get fair wages. Thanks so much.

Unknown said...

I am a coffee addict and I always buy fair trade! tessa2000(at)mail.com

kim h said...

My family drinks coffee and I believe in fair trade

irishcahbomb said...

I'm a coffee drinker and would consider drinking fair trade coffee

Unknown said...

I drink a lot of coffee and I always try to buy fair trade.

Ellie Wright said...

I'm not a coffee drinker, but I love tea. My husband loves both, though. I would definitely consider buying Fair Trade.

Ellie Wright said...


Giant Sis said...

My husband drinks the coffee int he house, but I'd buy fair trade when I can!
wilburnnewsome atyahoodotcom

Daniel M said...

i drink coffee and will consider fair trade - regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com

Carolyn Daley said...

I enjoy a cup or two of coffee on occasion and I would buy Fair Trade if I liked it.

greenhome said...

Yes, I am a coffee drinker and I would certainly buy Fair Trade coffee.

Alice Hogan said...

Heck yes, I am a coffee addict, and I do buy fair trade on occasion!

smilekisses said...

I’m a coffee drinker and I’m fair game for Fair Trade!

jlafount said...

I rarely drink coffee but when I do I have no problem drinking fair trade if it tastes the best

Natalie said...

I don't drink coffee but my brother buys free trade coffee!

Unknown said...

I do drink coffee. I wasn't even aware of the Fair Trade certification program prior, but I would certainly support buying a brand that ensures the fair treatment of farmers so they can better care for themselves and their families.

DeeAnn S said...

Love my coffee! And I would consider buying fair trade coffees. Thanks.
sweepster49 at comcast dot net

Anonymous said...

I am a coffee drinker and would consider buying fair trade.

Unknown said...

Love coffee and have had this brand and wasn't disappointed.

Texas Bargain Mom said...

Yes, I'm a coffee drinker and I would consider buying fair trade coffee.


tina reynolds said...

Yep I am a coffee drinker. First thing every morning and I would for sure consider fair trade.

theolotto said...

My mother is the coffee drinker and we would consider buying fair trade coffee.

ky2here said...

Yes, I am a coffee drinker. Yes, I would consider purchasing fair trade coffee.

ky2here at msn dot com

Kate said...

I drink coffee, it's always fair trade :)


tina reynolds said...


Anonymous said...

I love coffee, and I try to buy fair trade whenever possible. My church sells fair trade coffee as well, so it's usually in stock right there!

Unknown said...

yes I drink coffee and I would consider fair trade coffee

Tamar said...

I'm not a serious coffee drinker but I absolutely am cognizant of fair trade coffee and I think it is a very important consideration.

Melissa B. said...

I drink three cups a day and would love to try fair trade coffee.

Felicia said...

I really do enjoy a good cup of coffee and fair trade coffee is right up there for sure

mullin77 said...

Yes I love my coffee and yes I would buy
fair trade coffee

Danielle said...

yes to both!

Unknown said...

I would buy fair trade. I drink coffee.
andrinagoetz at gmail dot com

Betty C said...

I drink coffee every day, especially at work. I'll have to check and see if our office coffee supply is fair trade. It would be great if it is.

willitara [at] gmail [dot] com

Betty C said...

Tweet - https://twitter.com/willitara/status/395822636262895616

willitara [at] gmail [dot] com

budtaz said...

great sweeps and prize so useful

Katie said...

Nothing like being last minute....

Hi, my name is Katie, and I'm a coffee addict. Am I supposed to use my name in Coffee Drinkers Anonymous? That doesn't make it very anonymous??

We've never tried fair trade coffee...but given that my hubby and I both drink just about any coffee, we'd totally give it a shot!

Katie said...


calvad said...

I am a coffee drinker and I do drink fair trade coffee already! calvad at aol dot com

Unknown said...

I am a coffee drinker and although I don't buy fair trade coffee right now I would. Its something to consider next time I go shopping :)

Unknown said...

I love me some Keurig! I'm an avid coffee drinker and LOVE Green Mountain coffees!

Kathy P said...

I am like a zombie without my morning coffee I love it and yes I would buy fair trade :)

Kathy P said...



Pam OLeary said...

I love coffee and I would most definitely buy fair trade. Freddie8768 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I am an avid coffee drinker, and would absolutely consider fair trade.


Anonymous said...



April said...

I am addicted to coffee, and I would for sure consider far trade coffee

ssgsweeps @hotmail .com

Tricia316 said...

We only drink fair trade coffee in this house!

susansmoaks said...

I am a coffee drinker. I would totally consider buying fair trade. I love the concept and I love coffee!

susansmoaks at gmail dot com

Scott said...

I am not a coffee drinker but I drink Tea.

Anonymous said...

I am a coffee drinker and I would definitely buy fair trade!

pokergrl8 at gmail.com

Anonymous said...

pokergrl8 at gmail.com

Anna E. said...

Yes we are! And we would buy Fair Trade!


Anna E. said...

Tweet: https://twitter.com/femalebiker21/status/395961525199839232

Emily said...

I am not much of a coffee drinker but I buy fair trade items when I can.

marjeannie said...

Yes, and of course.

amanda mclemore said...

I drink coffee, and yes, I would buy fair trade coffee:)

abond317 said...

I am a coffee drinker, from morning until night! We would definitely buy fair trade!

abond317 said...

Tweet https://twitter.com/ladylost2/status/395973351895601153

Unknown said...

I don't drink coffee but my husband does. He loves to try new coffees all the time - so yes I would buy this coffee for him. shelleyscontest@gmail.com

Unknown said...

I am a coffee drinker and I would buy fair trade coffee.

rounder9834 @yahoo.com

Unknown said...


rounder9834 @yahoo.com

cman said...

Yes to both.

Carolyn G said...

I am a coffee drinker and I do buy fair trade coffee

PAIGE said...

Yes I am and yes I would.

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