We’ve made our summer list and it’s brimming with all kinds of fun stuff to keep them occupied. It’s also awesome for those days when you’re bored out of your mind and they are driving you insane. You can make the list as complicated or as simple as you’d like. We have things like playground and walks in the park on ours, as well as some bigger things like movie nights and sailing.
Instead of doing a check off list like years’ past, we’re doing it a little differently this year. I printed all of the activities on labels and we’re filling a little empty book with tickets, drawings, little memorabilia and pictures of Finn and Tate doing the things on our list. As we ‘check off’ the items, we’ll move the sticker to a new page in the book. Hopefully we will end up with an empty label sheet and a full book at the end of summer. I figured it would be more fun to have something for them to look back on instead of just pitching the sheet at the end.
I just used a sheet of Avery labels, typed the activities that Finn and I came up with together in Microsoft Word, and printed them.
Tate is going to ‘design’ the cover, meaning scribble all over it.
Finn got started with some drawings. Cedar Point is very high on his list this year so that’s a roller coaster… looks a little scary to me. He’s so excited that he is tall enough to ride some of the bigger coasters this year. He’s also doing the summer reading program at our library for the first time, I think he’s hinting at what will top his reading list.
We’ve already moved the first sticker, you can get an idea of what the pages will be like. Finnegan and his cousin Myles went to a Mud Hens game on Monday night.
If you’re interested, here is our full list:
watch fireworks : mud hens game : play in the sprinkler : playground : zoo : make s’mores : picnic : drive in movie : catch fireflies : ice cream : sailing with papa + gigi {my mom} : tate’s birthday party : cedar point : swimming at bakka’s {my dad} : help in the garden : berry picking : walk to grandma + grandpa’s house {dave’s parents} : library : playdate with friends : outdoor movie night : game night : play soccer : play baseball : sidewalk chalk art : blow bubbles : glow in the dark swim : farmer’s market : swimming at aunt sue’s : make popsicles : walk at the park.
Have you and your kiddos made a summer list?

Glow in the dark swim sounds super fun.
Love it!! I want to be there for as many as possible please :)
Necole, we're just going to fill the baby pool {it's like 2 feet?} with glow sticks like we do in the bathtub! EASY and they always have a ton of them for fourth of July.
I wonder how many ideas Roxy would come up with? Might have to try this with her :)
What an awesome idea! You are so creative. Makes me want to do this with my little one. As always, thanks for sharing!
Great idea for the memory book- I love that! Mud Hens is on our summer bucket list too!
This is awesome. It's like scrapbooking-lite! Thanks for sharing, we're totally going to make a list over dinner tonight!
That is so awesome! See now back to your other post about Moms......I would say see....your supermom! LOL. Love this idea. Hey what font is that? I really need to do this!!!!
The font was adler. I think I downloaded it free from dafont.com!
Also... my face is broken out, I am in yoga pants, and Finn took messy ass pizza Lunchables to school on Monday. Turns out he was Student of the Month and ate lunch with the principal that day.
NOT supermom.
I love this idea! I'm totally stealing it!
super cute idea! im inspired! cause you know im sitting here like, what the hell are we gonna do this summer?
I absolutely love this and am definitely going to try something similar! Thanks for sharing such a great idea. How did you do the cover of the book?
I love the idea of putting all the fun memories into a book!
This is so freaking cute!! I was thinking of planning this for next year, but then I thought that I could still make it work this year! Thanks for an amazing idea of saving summer memories!
Where did you find this little nifty notebook? Thanks!
Hi Gaby! I picked it up a couple summer's ago at Michael's or JoAnne's in the scrapbook section. Any small sized blank journal will do!
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