Because I like to share fun things with you.
>>> Hi, My name is Terra. I’m six. I’m a girl. I’m a breakdancing badass.
<<< a couple who found their baby on a subway.
>>> I really love these engagement photos, so intimate and gorgeous.
<<< Dave and I are going to Mexico woo hoo, you can bet I’ll be using these tips to look flawless.
>>> This photograph is gorgeous.
Happy weekend to you, my peeps.

OMG - that story about the couple finding the baby on the subway is amazing. What a happy way to start the weekend.
I think I remember reading and seeing pictures of the family in the subway story before and after their wedding, so I loved being able to read the story behind their son and his adoption!
Also, the breakdancing girl is AMAZING! I loved watching the judges faces as she preformed!
I love your Friday links! :)
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