Weird things make me smile. It is probably why I am friends with all of you.
Our house is filled with quirky little things. There is art in the bathroom. We have a real, live, fruit producing lime tree in our kitchen. For ages, until I let my sister have it, we had an art deco desk serving as our entertainment center. A sundial side table sits next to a chair in the living room. And the most hideous plastic beaver you will ever see in your life hangs out in our garden.
Dave doesn’t understand things like sundials in the living room acting as a table. In his world, a sundial belongs outside in the sun telling time and a table is a table, damn it. So you can understand that when, exactly one year ago today, I purchased this cow that matches nary a dish in this whole house, Dave would be confused.
It’s a cow. A cow creamer. Get it?? Milk. Out of a cow. I mean, it’s her mouth, but Dave, it is magnificent. Don’t you love it?
Davester? Wasn’t so enamored with the cow. As with most things that make me ecstatically happy for no reason whatsoever, he smiled, shook his head, muttered under his breath, and the cow came to live at our house. He even puts up with the fact that every time we open our cabinet, that cow is staring him right in the face.
I for one, love this cow. She is a such a jaunty little fellow. Isn’t she?
So obviously, you will be on my side when a poor cow-matching-rooster was sitting all alone on a shelf just waiting for his forever home a year later and made his way into my cart?
I’m thinking of having a whole menagerie. Look. They are friends already. Don’t tell Dave.
You would totally come to my house for coffee, wouldn’t you?

Absolutely! I love the cow creamer containers (wow, that's SOME alliteration, there!) Does the chicken spout out your scrambled eggs? ;p
I love them both... You have an AWESOME barnyard animal creamer collection started... So next year find another barnyard creamer... Maybe a pig or a horse or a goat.
Or a snake? I think I'd like to find someone who makes a a creamer in the shape of a snake.
I think they are both fantastic. I am all about "weird" decor. I'm pretty sure it drives my sister-in-law crazy, as she never fails to tell me how "interesting" or "unique" my decorating style is. "You always seem to put things together in a way I would never think to." She says, with her face all scrunchy. I wish I had taken a picture of the first time she saw my hot pink sparkly virgin mary statue. PRICELESS!
I have a white cow creamer and I'm a little obsessed with it. It greets me on the counter every morning. I save it for coffee with the girls and they make fun of me when I start yelling "WAIT! Don't pour that creamer out of the BOTTLE...WE HAVE TO USE THE COW!!" I've even carried it across the street for neighbor coffee.
So, yeah. I'm glad I'm not the only one.
I would totally come to your house for coffee. I love the cow. And I love re-purposing things like your sundial/table.
A creamer container in the shape of a cow?! Sign me up! That's awesome.
I've seen that cow on the shelf so many times and wanted it!!
I don't find anything wrong with your choices at all! Love the cow.
Stopping by from Sharefest :)
I just stopped by from SITS to say hello :) I love the cow and the rooster too!
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