I come from a long line of huggers. Everyone in my family… bunch of huggers. Trees and people alike, we’re non-discriminatory as long as our arms are wrapped around something.
This was a little awkward for the Davester, both the hippie tree hugger stuff and the actual hugging.
His family? They don’t really do the hug. I think that has softened a lot with grandchildren though, there seem to be a lot of hugs going round lately.
My family? Everyone hugs. I’m guessing every time I see my mom or dad, I hug them, same with my siblings. There has been a long standing joke that the Janet gave Dave and my ex-brother in law a hug when we were in St Martin. While wearing a bikini. Henceforth known as the mother-in-law bikini hug, it still makes all of us laugh.
We’re huggers.
I’ve had this discussion with my girlfriends, how I find it odd that people don’t hug. Mostly because Nikki and Noelle are notorious anti-huggers, so is my friend Amy, and I feel compelled to make sure I hug them just for that very reason. {By the way, Nik, prepare yourself, the hug it is coming.} For me, it seems like such a natural thing to do. I think sometimes, it’s just an assumption that, of course everyone behaves in a certain way, because your family does. Maybe though hugging doesn’t feel like a natural thing to do for you?
Hugger or non-hugger? Does your family hug? Your friends?