Favorite Christmas Songs.

04 December 2012

There is a radio station in our city that plays endless Christmas music from November through January.  It drives me nuts that they don’t wait until after Thanksgiving.  I never met a Christmas song I didn’t like.  I just like them after I’ve had my turkey and eaten it too.

Now though?  All bets are off.  I’ve got that sucker blasting Little Drummer Boy until the Davester can’t take it anymore.

The only thing I can’t listen to is the songs with the military “merry Christmas to everyone at home” dubbed over the top.  I was cooking dinner the other night and I started sobbing until Dave switched it.  I mean, our military members give up so much and all of those sweet wishes for friends and family back home, it really hits you what they are sacrificing. 

It turns me into an ugly crier. 

On to my favorites!

Wham!’s Last Christmas:  Pretty much the cheesiest, most ridiculous, totally 80s song ever written and I know every single word.

The Waitresses’ Christmas Wrapping: The second most cheesy, pop song that makes you want to dance around in your kitchen when no one is looking.

The Chipmunk’s Christmas Song:  Um. Yes.  And it makes me want to sing at the top of my lungs, “Me?  I want a Hula Hoooooop!”  Also a favorite of Finnegan and Tate and almost everyone under ten.

Un Flambeau Jeanette Isabelle:  This is an old French carol that I fell in love with in high school.  The English translation version isn’t half as pretty.

Josh Groban’s version of Oh, Holy Night:  Chills every time.

I could go on like this for ages.  There are so many to choose from, it’s hard to pick!

Tell me your favorite!


Amy said...

Elton John- Step into Christmas. Love this one!!

Nita said...

I'm with you, that George Michael gets me everytime.

yourfriendrobin said...

Weirdly "Little Drummer Boy" is the song that makes me ugly cry. It's so sad/sweet and touching... since becoming a mom, anything that relates to kids, especially boys, just hits me differently now. Something about that poor, goodhearted boy being so wise beyond his years just gets me weeping every time. (I know he's not real, he is to me when I start hearing that drumbeat.)

But my favorite Christmas song is Do You Hear What I Hear?

Nita said...

ok, how could I forget I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas and Porky Pig singing Blue Christmas.

Jessica @ Wanting Adventure said...

Oh you picked some awesome ones! However, I am in love with I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas! Best song ever.

Amanda said...

Do They Know It's Christmas--love to belt out, "welll, tonight thank God it's them insteeeeead of youuuuuu!"

My fave new cover--Three Ships--the version by Sufjan Stevens.

Just A Normal Mom said...

Oh my gosh, that Josh Groban song - ditto! And Christmas Wrapping is my all time fav cheesy 80's Christmas song. In fact, I post it on my blog every year. It's coming! :)

Ms. Kang said...

Christmas time in New Orleans by Louis Armstrong. We love the jazzy feel!

SnoopyMeg said...

Rockin around the Christmas tree!

Kim Moore said...

I am a sucker for Christmas music.... My top 3 faves are Little Drummer Boy, Santa looked alot like Daddy, and Santa Baby.... I also LOVE LOVE LOVE Carol Of The Bells that's the one that drives my kids crazy.

Yostee said...

Nothing says Christmas to me than the songs from the classic movies - Frosty, Rudolph, etc. Santa Claus is coming to down stops my kids right in their tracks. We have a radio station that plays Last Christmas every other song. My all time favorite is Santa Baby :)

Unknown said...

Breath of Heaven- Amy Grant, The Christmas Song DMB, O Holy Night- Nat King Cole. Oh how I love this season!

Stacey said...

Bob Segers version of Little Drummer Boy for sure!! And Celion Dions O Holy Night always gives me the chills, as does Silent Night.
Oddly enough I have hardly heard any Christmas music on our radio stations down here so far.

Lori said...

All time fav is It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year, sung by Andy Williams. O Holy Night is a close 2nd, sung by anyone, but YES, Josh Groban's version is amazing!

I always forget about that Wham song, but I love it too!

Also love the 12 Days of Christmas, sung by The Muppets! :) Another fav is Up on the Rooftop, complete with hand jestures from my elementary school Christmas play!

Sue said...

Christmas in Hollis. Best Christmas song EVER!!

Also anything sung by Bing Crosby or Harry Conick Jr.

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