12 November 2012

Talking Turkey.

All this week, we’re talking Thanksgiving.  It’s seriously my very favorite time of the year.  Except that one whole almost dying thing.

Over on Facebook a whole mess of you shared your love for the sweet potato… I feel like I’m missing out, so I’m giving them a go again.

I have recipes for you!  We’re going to talk wine and cocktails!  We’re going to talk table setting and my ridiculous love for a pretty place card.  And FAMILY, of course.  The bigger and weirder, the better over here.

What is your favorite part of Thanksgiving?



  1. Green bean casserole!!! Muhahahaha! Just kidding.

  2. I love family, so glad that I get to come see you! One week countdown!

  3. All I can think of is my Mom's basic stuffing. She makes an extra batch for me so I have plenty for sandwiches.


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