Our house is nearly a hundred years old. If you ask Dave, he’ll generally mumble something to the effect of rooms not being square and something always needing work. I, on the other hand, see the gorgeous real wood moldings on every window and door, the wood floors, the charm. Of course, when something goes wrong, it is generally not me doing the fixing. That’s neither here nor there. Ahem. We just had this discussion the other day {while painting, painting, oh and yet more painting} about whether our next house would be old or new. I’m spoiled by the high ceilings, the huge windows, and gorgeous French doors that you just don’t find in new houses unless you have a shitton of cash.
Oh, hi. I don’t have a shitton of cash.
Where was I? Oh, yes. Because the house is ancient, there are some weirdo quirky things. CHARM, damn it. One is our bedroom closet. Now, if I ever get around to showing you our bedroom in its after state from the debacle that caused us to rip out walls in our bedroom when I was a million months pregnant, you will see that they put an addition onto our room. God knows when this happened, I’m guessing sometime in the late 50s or early 60s, but they also added a closet, so we have the existing tiny closet that was sort of closed off, but attached to a normal closet. So it makes for a normal closet, only you can actually walk into it on the left and there are shelves built in all the way to the ceiling and a little alcove where we keep our shoes.
When we re-configured our closet, we removed an ill placed extra clothing bar. It freed up just enough space for the Davester to install two of these cheapie belt and tie racks for the necklaces, bracelets, and scarves I wear the most. {He has one on the opposite wall for his belts.} I am able to grab things quickly and I find myself wearing things that I love more often. Who knew that a whole $10 purchase would be the favorite part of our closet? Well, that and the blue wall.

That is awesome....I LOVE older houses... It really is all about the CHARM... I think Dave is a genius for making your life easier with the necklace/bracelet holder rack.
The best thing we found in our older home was a hidden working bathroom, under the basement stairs.
Older homes have a TON of charm. Living in a new (well it was new 11 years ago when we bought it) home I can tell you that it lacks that. We have, and do, spend a lot of time adding our own customized touches trying to give it a bit more character.
I love the blue wall - My house is also old, it is 106 this year.
I used to see charm, now I just see extra hours of work. SO. OVER. IT.
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