Today, my sister Rachael is moving half way across the world.
To Palestine.
I’ve been holding off writing about this because well, it isn’t really mine to tell.
Not going to lie, it has been hard. For everyone. For her mom. My dad. Her dad. Our siblings. For Rach especially. It’s not a decision that she thought she would be making and not one she took lightly by any means. Moving to another country is difficult. When it isn’t a westernized culture, you don’t speak the language, and it’s an occupied territory, it’s even harder. She is fearless, that sister of mine. She is leaping with both feet, smile on her face, knowing she will be caught on the other end.
I, on the other hand? Did the ugly cry.
Oh yes, yes, she’ll be back for visits. {OFTEN, I hope.} It just won’t be the same without her, she is irreplaceable.
She is loved, that Roo of ours. SO loved.

She is fearless. I would have ugly cried, too. Hugs to all of you!
Oh, that is so hard. Thinking of you and your sister...she will rock it out! And so will you :)
She is so brave and awesome for taking on the challenge of moving away!!! You have ever reason to bust out the ugly cry... and not only today, but every time you think about how much you miss her!!!
Wow, bless your heart and hers! I don't know what I would do if Tiffany moved that far away. Skype, Skype, Skype and do the ugly cry as often as you have to. It will be a lot - I ugly cried all the time when I first moved away from my family.
OMG...that must be extremly hard for everyone. She is very very brave, I could never do that. Good luck to her! And its ok to cry the UGLY cry:)
Woah, that's a hard move. I mean, moving apartments is tough, but then cities is even worse. Don't get me started on states. But COUNTRIES? Crazy. I wish her luck!
WOW. That is huge. I would cry too. My sister is my best friend.
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