I will be painting for the rest of my days, but it looks so pretty that I don’t even know what to do with myself. I can’t wait to show you all.
It started on Wednesday night when we started taking everything out of the room, we started sanding the woodwork and painted some huge color swatches on the walls. By midnight, we were exhausted and thinking that maybe this wasn’t the best idea. Dave looked over at me and said, “HOW did you talk me into this? I should know better by now.” And we laughed because really, he should know better, but by then, we were past the point of no return.
Now we just keep chanting, “It’s almost over,” even though we don’t believe it. Until that happens, you’ll find us covered in paint, back aching, and rocking out to ridiculous music.
The next time I get the brilliant idea to paint something, I want one of you sweet people to slap the shit out of me a la Moonstruck and yell, “SNAP OUT OF IT!”

Can't wait to see the final pics! I'm sure it is going to be AMAZING!
I hate painting. It always seems like a really good idea and then you start it. And it never ends.
Cannot wait to see it!
Can't wait to see!
Dave, what's that saying.... Fool me once...fool me twice....you are definitely trapped by Michelle's enchanting personality this week and last! ;-)
I hate painting and always feel like that too....it's almost over then you realize it needs a second coat.....totally can't wait to see!!!!!!
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