Almost two years ago, we {Dave} gutted our bedroom while I was VERY pregnant with Tate. Ever since then, I’ve been using a flashlight in my closet. Yeah. That’s right. A flashlight. Until tonight, when Dave, LOVE OF MY LIFE, went and bought me a fancy new $10 light and installed it.
He even remembered the light bulbs.
It’s the little things, Peeps.
Note to Self: Clean out closet.

That's about as bad as not having a working oven since just got fixed this week?!
This made me laugh out loud. And yay for light!
Meg, I think what you neglected to mention is that your husband is a chef and you didn't have a working oven since June...
It is indeed the little things. lol
You've got yourself a keeper!
I totally understand - I suffered through crappy wind shield wipers for I don't know how long, until one day my husband surprised me with new ones, you would have thought it was Christmas morning. I loved them!!!! Although, inside I am thinking, that only took 10 mins, why couldn't that have been done months ago??? But I don't.....
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