Does This Parenting Thing Ever Get Easy?

12 September 2012

I mean, I guess if you’re doing it right, it’s probably supposed to be a challenge, right?  You’re not supposed to have all of your shit together all of the time, right?  There are do-overs, right?

Yesterday morning was filled with fucking parenting magic.  Tate slept all night which hasn’t happened since she caught a nasty cold last week.  Finn slept until a reasonable 7:10 AM.  {I can’t wait until he is a surly teenager and we all get to sleep in.}  I got up, we all got dressed in clothes that aren’t yoga pants, my hair wasn’t totally obnoxious, it was a perfect 65 degree morning.  Magic!  I made Finn’s lunch and even cut the sandwich into train shapes with a cutter.  Magic!  We walked to school with friends and I made it to the grocery store to buy stuff for dinner all before 10 am.  Magic!

In case you haven’t met me, this is not a morning that happens often.

It was about then that Tate decided that magic mornings are bullshit.  She proceeded to be attached to my hip AND whining constantly all. day. long.

All day.

Of course, she MUST have an ear infection.  I asked Dave to see if the doctor had any openings while I held her until she was calm enough to go down for a nap.

Then, the real fun began.

I picked Finn up from school, put my foot in my mouth to a friend, and barely made it to the car before sweating through my clothes. 

NOT MAGIC!  It was about then, I’m sure, that Tate filled Finn in on the plan that it is jackass day.

Me:  So, how was school today Finna?  What did you do?

Finn:  *snottiest tone ever*  WHY DO YOU ASK ME THAT EVERY DAY???

Me:  Because I want to know what your day is like when you’re not with me! And I really don’t appreciate you being rude! 

*It was here that I began tearing up.*

Finn:  Fine!  I’ll tell you!

Me:  Forget it.   I.  DON’T.  WANT.  TO.  KNOW.

And then we got to the doctor’s office for Tate’s emergency appointment for that ear infection… that she didn’t have.   The diagnosis?

Fussy Baby.

Well, that seems obvious, but just in case, she wrote it right there on my payment form.

I wonder if that diagnosis comes with a blinking asshole light for flashing over my head?

I looked in Finn’s school folder.  A note that they were happy to have Finn, but if I didn’t turn in his paperwork they would kick him out of school.  Yep.  I just need to make a trip over to the dentist’s office so they can sign his form and I’ve managed to let it escape thought all summer long.  Guess what I’m doing today?

My well planned out dinner was too spicy.


I was tired.

Dave was at his wit’s end with work.


Both kids needed a bath.

By 7:30, I wanted to just crawl into bed.

I wish there were some sweet wrap up to insert here, but let’s face facts… some days there just isn’t one. Finn did, however come waltzing through the living room naked as a jay bird wearing nothing but his messenger bag.

So there’s that.


Lisa said...

I have so many unmagical days it's not even funny. Don't think this is just you. At all! You're a good mom which is why it seems so hard sometimes. Sorry you had a crappy say. Hopefully today is better! Btw I can't believe the dr wrote that???

Christine said...

Dear God, i swear to you that every stay-at-home mom with school age kids could recite that nightmare of a day word for word. It's been YEARS and I still remember the sheer and utter exhaustion when it simply all went to shit - usually starting at 3pm. Throw in the issue with a friend, your husbands work pressure, let's not forget the car that suddenly stopped running, the dog that's throwing up everywhere and the fact that you already signed up to be room mom and Halloween is right around the corner. Oh yeah, I remember it baby and for every sucky day there were 100 that I'd take back in a nano-second so close your eyes, tell yourself it was a bad dream and try to forget about it. And shake out that backpack like the criminal it is:))

yourfriendrobin said...

I can only handle so many blogs where the children are perfect and the husbands are so thoughtful and clever and the moms are wonderwomen who can plan crafts and sensory tubs and bake cupcakes with their kids and manage to take adorable pictures of their kids sneaking licks of the spoon. They're nice, but there's a limit to how much I can take. But blogs like this, where moms are real and honest. Those are the ones I will keep coming back to. Nothing has ever helped make friends with other moms faster than admitting I don't have it all together. I will keep reading, and all those picture perfect moments you blog about in the future will be that much sweeter because I know you're just a regular mom like me. Blessings!

@JessEsco said...

Oh Michelle, were you at my house yesterday? Because bedtime was full of suckass because the kid would not lay down. It was so much fun. And so was work where I dealt with crap! YAY!

Stacey said...

Omg, this post made me smile, not for you ((sending mommy virtual hugs))...but because I know these days all too well. I know tears in the car, I know snotty little boy tones TOO often, I know fussy attached to hip baby girls & I even have a kid that suddenly appears randomly naked!!! It all makes you want to run away some days! This is why the worldwide web is so great, knowing that your not alone in this war zone called parenthood.
Hope today is better :)

Stacey said...

Omg, this post made me smile, not for you ((sending mommy virtual hugs))...but because I know these days all too well. I know tears in the car, I know snotty little boy tones TOO often, I know fussy attached to hip baby girls & I even have a kid that suddenly appears randomly naked!!! It all makes you want to run away some days! This is why the worldwide web is so great, knowing that your not alone in this war zone called parenthood.
Hope today is better :)

Stacey said...

Omg, this post made me smile, not for you ((sending mommy virtual hugs))...but because I know these days all too well. I know tears in the car, I know snotty little boy tones TOO often, I know fussy attached to hip baby girls & I even have a kid that suddenly appears randomly naked!!! It all makes you want to run away some days! This is why the worldwide web is so great, knowing that your not alone in this war zone called parenthood.
Hope today is better :)

Megan said...

Oh dude, you are so not alone. Being a parent is so freaking hard, and every time I think it's going to get easier, BAM, I get smacked in the face with a shitty day that couldn't possibly get worse. I have found myself in tears after school pickup many, MANY times. No matter how perfect people make it seem, we've all been through it. Thanks for keeping it real so the rest of us don't feel so alone. You rock, mama.

Leslee @ This Friendly Life said...

Thansk for sharing and letting us all know we aren't alone in having these un-magical, shitty days! But seriously, train shaped sandwiches?! Totally awesome! I hope the rest of your week is MUCH better!

Noelle said...

Michelle, thank you for posts like these. You excel at everything you touch so it's a good reminder to me to see that you actually work for it!

Love ya!

Jenny @ House Full of Pretty said...

You are hilarious!!! Thanks so much for commenting on my blog so that I could find yours! Looking forward to following you :)

Unknown said...

Oh my, what a day!

Thanks for your refreshing honesty; I've just refilled my BC prescription ;)

Just A Normal Mom said...

Nakedness with a messenger bag - that's style ;-)

Yes it does get easier. But when it does, all they need you for is your checkbook and you will be missing the days they were glued to your hip. And even then there are days that can be pretty un-magical. Wishing you a better day! (with maybe a little magic thrown in - or at least a few small person smiles :)

Jessica @ Wanting Adventure said...

I always seem to think things would be easier if my life had worked out another way - and then I read posts like this and I know that everyone has a crazy time of it!

Sara @ Russet Street Reno said...

HA - I feel this, for real. I hope it gets easier. Otherwise, I'm on my way to being an alcoholic.

Unknown said...

Sorry it was a disaster but you just made me feel a little better knowing I am not the only one with days like this one. I really hope this parenting thing does gets a little easier but I have been told IT DOESN'T. And isn't days like this one that they always need a bath and you just want them in bed?!

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