19 July 2012


Seeing – old Instagram pics and my glass of wine disappear.  This picture of Tate is quite possibly my favorite ever.

Smelling – I’m not smelling anything because the Method limited edition Lime + Sea Salt is sold out in our area and I refuse to pay three times the amount on Amazon.  Damn it.  I was mildly excited about cleaning.  Glad that passed quickly…

Tasting – secret ice cream sundaes after the kids are in bed.  Just us?  Ahem.  Right then.  Move along.

Listening – Jake Owen, Barefoot Blue Jean Night.  Totally dreamy and I typically don’t go out of my way to listen to country music.

Touching – glorious glorious new ‘school supplies’ just for me. Am I the only one with this addiction?

Tell me your currents!


  1. I have a school/office supply addiction, too :)

  2. Love me some new pens. LOVE it.

    Now I need to search for that Method...

  3. Our Wegmans carries a ton of method products. I will check it out next time I go (which might be as early as 1130 tonight!) If I find any, I will let you know!

    I thought I was the only one addicted to office supplies. As much as I don't want my kids to grow up, I am secretly SUPER excited for supply shopping. Our Office Depot went out a few years ago and everything was like 90% off... I was like a kid on Christmas morning!!!

  4. I'm with you there, as soon as my daugher goes to sleep I'm in the kitchen opening the 'treat tin' and reaching for the nearest (non-baby) snack in there and sighing with great relief as I feel the sugar hit my blood stream.


  5. I always eat my ice cream after the kids go to bed, if not then it ends up sitting around and melting because I am too busy with them.
    I love love school supplies also:)) And yes I love seeing my wine glass empty too but then it makes me sad because then I realize its all gone and then I debate whether or not I need another glass....hehe.

  6. I like notebooks - not big ones, but smaller size to fit in my purse. Boo Boo and I use them, lined or unlined, to color at restaurants, make lists, doodle in church, etc. Love.

  7. Oooo. I love new pens. It's the best to go supply shopping!

    And thank you for webstagram! I had no idea that it existed and actually allow you to see instragrams not on your phone. Awesome!

  8. I ran to a little "barefoot blue jean night" today and it made me smile the whole time - if you can smile while you are running.


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