*But probably NOT.
Just in case you’re new here, Dave and I have an unhealthy obsession with beating each other at Jeopardy AND keeping actual scores.
A spreadsheet.
You know, so we can see who wins over time.
The answer is Who is Michelle?
By like a trillion points, but who is counting. Me, duh.
That Davester isn’t quick for sure. That’s what she said. It takes him a beat to get the answer and by that time I’ve already shouted three wrong answers AND the right answer.
In case you haven’t figured it out, we don’t take points off for wrong answers. It’s called the Michelle Rule for Kicking Dave’s Ass at Jeopardy.
I’ve always said though, that when it comes to Millionaire, he would beat me in a second. Which is why we keep a spreadsheet for Jeopardy and only play Millionaire for ‘fun’ when Dave is home for lunch. Those questions are so much harder. You have zero ideas about categories, they’re all over the place. Just when I think I know the right answer, one of those damn choices creeps in some doubt and bites me on the ass. Either I know an answer or not, I’m terrible at deducing information. The Davester though? A total deducing champ.
He’s one tricky, analytical bastard.
He knows all kinds of random and useless information too, my husband. He is always the person I want on my trivia team, but not on my fence hurdling team. Or onion cutting team. Or person who knows what to do in a foreign country team. Someone else can pick him for those teams because I’m just not going to do it.
Last week, when the Who Wants to Be a Millionaire peeps came to Toledo, I talked him into trying out. I didn’t really even talk him into it so much as say, “the Millionaire peeps are here, go try it out and make us some hoverboard money.”
Hoverboard money is enough money to buy someone to invent a hoverboard, obviously.
Then, our local affiliate, 13 ABC, posted something on Facebook. If you were the first 25 people to email them, you won an automatic pass to the front of the line. So, I did. And he was stuck trying out because I said, “If you screw up my first in line pass by failing the shit out of this test, I’ll never let you live it down, Davester.” Then, I mentioned several times that maybe I should go take the test because maybe he isn’t as smart as he thinks he is, you know, just to drive home my point.
He went and took the test.
Thirty questions in ten minutes.
Of course that smart ass Davester of mine did just fine. He qualified for an interview and now he waits. They notify you in a couple weeks to let you know if you’ve made the contestant pool or not.
But really, who wouldn’t want this guy?
First in line! Hoverboard money.