The police department in our city has a great community outreach program for kids entering kindergarten. This is the 35th year it has been running, that is a whole lot of graduates. It is a week-long summer program {they have several sessions and you choose either morning or afternoon classes} where police officers and teachers cover everything safety related. The kids get to talk to officers, learn a special wave, and learn everything from fire safety, to gun safety, to what you should do if you come upon a stray animal.
Finnegan and his bestie, Oliver, attended the program last week and came home excitedly talking about fire engines, calling 9-1-1 in an emergency, and teaching us how to safely cross the street. On the first day, they got to run the siren in a police car, if that doesn’t start the week off right, I don’t know what would. Finn’s favorite part was that they drove ‘cars’ in a mock city they have set up complete with streets, rail crossings and mini buildings. At the end of the week, they have a graduation ceremony where the Chief of Police presents them with a certificate for completing the program. Each child also receives a Safe T City badge, t-shirt, and a new bike helmet.
All of it, completely free of charge to any child in the city.
It is one of the things Toledo is doing right.

What a fantastic idea! This sounds like something that should be implemented all over :)
I love the safety class! That is a fabulous program. Good for your city!
Awesome program!
What a great idea!!! Looks like he had fun.
Awesome!!! Great pictures too.. It looks like he learned alot.
Those are some of the best pics. Although he looks quite unimpressed with his certificate. Perhaps he was expecting a gun and a badge? ;-)
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