Good Day.

28 June 2012


As first birthdays go, I think it was pretty darn good, full of picnics and cupcakes and swimming.  I wish birthdays in your thirties were made of the same.

Today, we’re hiding out in the air conditioning while the temps top 102, a rarity around here.  I had intended on scrubbing out the baby pool and going for a dip, but I think that we’d be better off just avoiding the heat altogether.  Is it awful hot where you live too?


Anonymous said...

Looks like the temps will top out at about 104 today here in good ole' Southeast Missouri! Yikes!

Tawny said...

High of 90 today and 97 tomorrow in good old Delaware.

Anonymous said...

i live in Texas baby. We are melting!

Yostee said...

It's not so terrible here today.. we are at 90*. We will get your heat tomorrow with highs around 98*. We went to the park this morning. It was 72 when we got there and we left about an hour later b/c it was already up to 84. The kids wanted to come home and make milkshakes for lunch.

Anonymous said...

It isn't 102, thank goodness, but it is climbing into the uncomfortable 90s. But hopefully your daughter still had a good time.
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