Finn: {Talking to himself.} Girls are bad, boys are good.
Me: Excuse me?
Finn: Girls are bad. Boys are good. Uh. Well, not you. Um, you’re good. But Tate is a bad walker.
Finn: Dad, why are there always carrots in throw up?
Dave: You didn’t even eat carrots yesterday!
Finn: I know!
Finn: Mom, do you know where the hippopotamus went?
Me: Under that blanket.
Finn: How did you know that?
Me: Mamas know everything.
Finn: But you didn’t know the bacon piece.
{Earlier we had a conversation about ham being a pig and bacon being a pig, just different parts of the pig and he asked me which piece bacon was. That much, I have no clue and it’s not really something I’m going to google for fear of losing my love for bacon forever.}
Finn: Dad, what is a loser name? Daaaad. WHAT is a loser name?
Dave: Buddy, you have to hold on a second.
Finn: What is a loser name?
Dave: It’s a USER name.
Finn: What’s a user name? Oh, I get it, like F-I-N-N. Right?
Finn: Mom, I don’t watch Mr Roger’s Neighborhood anymore.
Me: Ok…
Finn: Well, it’s a kid show, but it had a grownup in it. And it tells a kid story, but I just can’t watch it anymore.
Finn: I got the moves of Jagga. I got the moves of Jagga. I gottt the mooooooooves of Jagga.

These are my favorite things to read! I hope you are having a great day!
Moves like jagga is one of Gavs favs too lol
I love the LOSER name, too funny!!
This kiddo is constantly cracking me up! He's so clever!
I always look forward to Finn Days!!!
I can't watch it anymore either, Finn. :)
One of my Finnisms. Kids say the cutest things:)
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