I came to the realization last night that I am Cam from Modern Family. Ok, so I am not a gay man, but everything else is a fit. Not only am I the plumper, more creative, stay at home, less straight-laced partner in our marriage, but I have no filter. Did you see the episode when Lily, their preschooler drops the F-bomb and Cam starts giggling uncontrollably? Mitchell gives him the look. You know the one that says, you are supposed to be a grownup!
Rest easy… Finn isn’t swearing. Yes, yes, I know you’re shocked it hasn’t happened yet. So, what inappropriate behavior has me in giggles as Dave gives me the look?
We’re back to calling the Davester by his first name. It went away for a few months, but now it’s back in full effect. Not only that, but instead of Dave, Finnegan is calling his daddy, David.
I am sorry. It is funny. I’m even laughing as I type this, it’s so ridiculous.
He does it because he knows that Dave gets bent about it. He asked me months ago if he could call me Michelle, so I told him he could. I really don’t care, I call my mom Janet most of the time. That was the end of that, he knew I didn’t care, so he’s never uttered anything other than Mama. Dave on the other hand, made a big stink about it and got his little brain working and BAM.
Instant way to get under David’s Daddy’s skin.
I am pretty sure my laughing about it doesn’t help, but it’s just so damn funny. He’s doing it in a completely natural, straight faced way that I find utterly hilarious.
I think Dave finds it a little funny too, but he’s so far into the stern parent role that he can’t go back now. Oh, no, when Dave commits to something, he commits. So instead, he has taken to the ignore it and hope it goes away approach.
Did your kids ever do this? {Someone PLEASE say I’m not the only one who laughs her ass off when this happens.} Is there hope that Dave will return to being Daddy again soon? How would you handle it?

Roxy calls Russ "Russell" sometimes, but usually only after I call him by it. Its still funny. Russ always says, "No, you call me Daddy." and goes on. I can totally see this being a situation when Roxy gets older and knows that Daddy doesn't like it.
My husband and I both laugh, then we decide we should be adult about the situation.
How can you not laugh?? My poor daughter is going to grow up thinking her lady parts are called a "duck beak" because I couldn't keep a straight face long enough to correct her.
It IS pretty funny. But part of what's so funny is the mental picture of you laughing :) Someday "David" will look back and laugh. LOL
Franca calls us Mommy Nikki and Daddy Marc but mostly because we have Giuliana (who I babysit) call us by our first names.
She did yell 'Hey Nik' yesterday while looking for me. Marc and I laughed our butts of about that.
Noah has started calling us Sara and TIMMMMOOOTTHHYYY when he wants our attention and we're not responding to Mommy and Daddy (usually because we're busy doing important things like rock/paper/scissors over making dinner). He also recently found out his grandmother's first name is Candi and that just about blew his little mind. I bet you know just how much she LOVES him calling her that.
Finn did that with my mom too! He went around telling everyone that Gigi's REAL name is Janet. LOL.
I have no help!I called my mom be her first name once when I was about 16 and it did not go over well! "Bev" put me back in place immediately!!!
Flynn calls me Meghan whenever my brothers and sisters come around because he hears it more often. I am not bothered by it at all and he goes right back to momma when the siblings clear out. He has never called Daddy Flynn by his name but that is probably because they have the same name. Also, KATHY thinks it is hillarious when he calls me Meghan. She makes a game out of it, i.e. What did you just call Mommy, what is her name. The siblings encourage as well....I leave the room and they are egging him on to scream MEEGGGHHHHAAAANNN.
That is too hilarious! And yes, just the other night I had to leave the room. Caden was doing something he clearly wasn't supposed to, but the look on his face was too comical. I burst into laughter, got the look from Kev, and had to leave. Gotta love those parenting moments! They make even the "hard" moments fun!
Hah! That's awesome! It's just like kids to do the thing that annoys their parents the most. Hehe.
Haha...that's funny. cameron will sometimes call us by our first names, infact he did it today but I forget why. It's cute and we don't make a big deal about it so he doesn't keep doing it.
First off I am dieing because I LOVE Cam!!!! And hilarious episode! Gav has sworn on a few occasions (hmm that's what you get when trucker talker mom slips too much ;-) and I had to laugh the first time he ever did it...just like Cam. And it is kind of funny the name thing! They totally know how to ride something that they know gets our goat. Gav also did a couple day stint of calling me Stace...made me laugh.
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