I just read 50 Shades of Grey. I thought about reading it after my two sisters talked non-stop about the books. They were raving about how much they were sucked in and couldn’t put the trilogy down. There were tales of text conversations between the two of them that they were not eating or sleeping because they couldn’t stop reading.
I really didn’t feel like reading the book. Three-quarters of you might hate me for this statement, but I am going to say it anyway… I wasn’t a fan of Twilight. OK, wait, I WAS a fan of Twilight, I blazed through the first two books, but then I got half way through the third book and hated it. So, I put it down and didn’t look back. Every time I talk to a Twi-Hard they look at me, mouths agape at the tragedy of this. Let’s add insult to injury here and say that Robert Pattison freaks me the fuck out, he looks like a creep so I haven’t watched the movies either. No matter how many times my sister Elise calls him a dimepiece, he still reminds me of a dirty carnie.
Where was I?
Oh yes, so all of the hype was that this was Twilight inspired fan fiction. Which obvs? I wanted to avoid like the plague. Initially I thought it was another vampire book. So, I didn’t get the book. I ignored the hype blazing all over the internet. And then, didn’t get the book some more.
And then my sister said my MOM was going to read it. So, I felt legally obligated to read it because hello? My mother reading smut? It’s like hell hath frozen over, my friends.
I caved.
Dave went to pick up the book Friday night after I asked all of you your thoughts on Facebook. He also came home laughing that the book was in the romance section. Here he was, a dude perusing the romance section on a Friday night, he’s pretty sure it cost him his man-card.
I cracked it open and started reading.
The book sucks, people.
Yes, the sex is totally hot and the story is decent, if totally unbelievable. BUT, it’s so poorly written that I can’t get past the inconsistencies and half-thoughts. I’m pretty sure the grammar would send my friend Emily right over the edge.
It is as bad as reading this blog… yeah, THAT bad.
I mean if you take it for what it is, which is p0rn, you’re good. But if you’re expecting an actual book because you’ve paid money and someone has actually published and {you assume} EDITED the thing… well, you’d be better off surfing the 6,270,000 p0rn fiction sites on the net and get your goods for free. Yes, I Googled, there are that many. Who knew?
You all have assured me that the second book is so much better, so I am borrowing a copy and giving it a chance. I do want to see how the story ends, but I’m hoping the second doesn’t have me tearing my hair out.
And so you don’t have to buy it, I’m passing my copy on to one of you! This is a quickie {much like the sex between Christian and Ana} leave a comment and I will pick a winner tomorrow night (5/1) at 11:59 pm.
THE WINNER IS KAREN, COMMENT #7…. Well, really it was Emily Comment #1, but she didn’t want it…. then it was LaurenLeigh Comment#11, but she’s already reading it. But then it was KAREN!