This little peanut is cute. She is cuddly. She is sweet. She loves to laugh and giggle and play with her brother’s super hero toys. She enjoys long naps, exploring everything, and big happy grins.
This little peanut is mad. Why? Her Mama put her down, her teeth hurt, she is lonely… maybe she’s been abandoned! ABANDONED! A “stranger” came within 5 feet of her. She doesn’t want ANYONE else, she wants her Mama and she means now.
We’re in the throes of some serious separation anxiety around here. Send help. Send advice. Send some sanity.
I don’t remember it being this bad with Finn and yes, I know it’s such a short time that they are insane, but I want to help her if I can. I’m just at a loss what to do about it.

It truly is so hard. Jack went through that too. I have no real advice...we just had to get through it. One thing Kev would do to get me some sanity is take Jack downstairs into the family room. USUALLY if he couldn't see me then he would be ok...for awhile anyway. It gave me a few moments to myself to have Jack downstairs. We love em, but we also need some time to catch a breath and pee in peace!
Yikes! I have absolutely no advice to give you other than this too shall pass! Right?
Oh no :( No advice. But Allie is doing the same thing right now when she doesn't feel good. Clings to me like glue. BUT, luckily she's good when I drop her off in the morning. I say that as I can't actually hear screaming once I'm out the door and in the other building...
Oh jeez, I will be reading the comments to prepare myself!
I agree with Stacy. Let someone else familiar take them and don't let them see you. Weston goes nutso when he sees me and I'm not holding him. I'm sure it can't last too long (repeat that). ;). And know you aren't alone!
Putting this post in my favorites just so I can read the comments when the time comes. I'm really hoping what mine is doing right now isn't already separation anxiety because no. Just no. I'll send good juju. It's all I've got right now.
Obviously I have no advice that will help you since I ran away screaming every time I made her cry. Just remember this certainly will not last forever!
I know that you are not a big fan of parenting books, but the next chapter in the one I'm reading is about separation issues, so I'll email you any hints I read!
I originally found your blog a few months ago when I was searching for Cars party ideas for my son. Then I started reading some of your other posts and I feel like we're so similar. I have a son that's 3 and another that's almost 11 months. The younger one is going through his phase right now where I'm pretty much the only one that can soothe him and make him feel better. I love it, but, it definitely gets exhausting!!!! It helps some that his brother can entertain him during the day, too. And I just try to make sure my husband has a lot of quality one-on-one time with him, also. Whew...I feel ya, girl. It's tough!
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