OK, that is a lie. Lately, I’ve been slacking. I mean, ok, #21 {Tate} took 9 months to complete, so I have been working on things. But, with just a few months to go, now is NOT the time to slack!
Luckily, Lipton was there to kick me back into gear. They contacted me a few weeks ago and said, “Hey Michelle, we can totes help you with #51, yo.”
And they did!
OK, they didn’t say it exactly like that, but they did say it. They also said, probably because of my massive tea love and/or my love of British TV, {because follow me here, British anything = tea & crumpets} that they wanted me to participate in their Tea Tastemaker program. They also INSISTED that I give YOU {well one of you anyway} a crazy fab basket o’ goodies. Aren’t those Lipton peeps awesome?
Sadly, it doesn’t include any crumpets. Don’t you fret though, there are so many goodies, you won’t even miss them.
Want to know what you can win? Click here.
Full Disclosure: This post was created in connection with my appointment as an Ambassador in the Lipton Tea Tastemaker Program. Visit www.facebook/lipton to join the conversation. All opinions are solely my own.