Ho Ho Ho + Giveaway

05 December 2011

My sister Lyndsey and I spent the last weekend at our annual Holiday Bazaar. All that crafting paid off, we did quite a bit of business and I’m happy with the extra Christmas spending cash. 





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And because we’re in the Christmas spirit, Lyndsey and I are going to package up a box of things for one of you!  This is going to be a quick little giveaway so you can enjoy the items sooner rather than later.  The giveaway will run today, Monday through Wednesday night, 12/7 at 11:59pm EST.  I’ll contact the winner on Thursday and ship it out on Friday.

All you need to do to win is leave a comment telling me your favorite thing about the holidays.  Even better if your favorites include Balls of Christmas, peppermint schnapps laden hot chocolate, too much family togetherness, making out under the mistletoe or cart ramming on Black Friday because those are the things I love most. 

Lyndsey just loves being a ho ho ho.  Ahem.

Good Luck!

Some of my favorite things during the holiday season are decorating our home and the tree, shopping for those special little things for my kid's advent boxes, comfy PJ's and slippers, Starbucks, Christmas movies in the evening with a glass of wine, and spending time with my family.
Love your holiday bazaar display. Cute ideas! Thanks for sharing!


Katie said...

In hopes of not sounding too cheesy, I'm going to have to say the best part about the holidays is the extra time with family - some that you don't see that often, as well as the ones that you see TOO often. It's the one time of year that you can really count on spending that extra time with them. And other love? My favorite girl getting older and "getting" Christmas and all that goes with it. :o)

Jill said...

Your craft fair set-up looks great! I love those NOEL blocks. I wish i had time to craft like that ...or wanted to find time to craft like that? :)

My favorite thing about the holidays is watching my husband's face show amazement when I pull a light out of one string of Christmas lights and only a portion of the lights go out. He looks at me like I'm a genius and I pretend I knew all along that is exactly what would happen if I did that.

Anonymous said...

Your display is amazing! I love all things holiday-ish!( Wait, is that a word!?) Anyhow, family, friends, FOOD, and shopping are all at the top of my all time favorites list:)


Jessica @ Wanting Adventure said...

I love the holidays - my favorite part is baking cookies in the kitchen with my mom and then eating them. I'm taking off extra time this year because my mom is coming to my house for Christmas and that is definitely on the agenda!

Btw, I love the set up! Your things are so adorable!

Laura said...

Those blocks are so cute! I'm sad we didn't get to make it to the bazaar this year. My favorite part of Christmas is basically December. I love all the rushing around, shopping, music and decorations! Our friend family gift exchange is a close runner up- so fun to see what everyone came up with for their person!

Ashley said...

I love getting to see my family during the holidays and all of the food!

hewella1 at gmail dot com

Just A Normal Mom said...

My favorite thing about the Holidays is that for all it's "business", its' the time of year when we MAKE time to visit with family & friends. Ironic as it is, it's what we do. Oh yeah, that and sitting in the house, dark with the exception of the tree lights, sipping hot cocoa with Bailey's. ;-)

Samantha said...

Since Roxy's came along, my favorite thing to do during the holidays is pay attention to how she reacts to things. This year, its listening to her talk about Santa and Baby Jesus. It cracks me up that Santa is bringing her a "little boy." :) It definitely changes the way I see the season when I look at it through her perspective!

Robyn Mitchell said...

Love the scrabble tile necklaces...awesome!

My favorite part of the holiday's is giving..I love to see the smile and excitement on people's faces. I also love watching my daughter who still believes in Santa light up when she comes down on Christmas morning.

Lisa said...

Some of my favorite things during the holiday season are decorating our home and the tree, shopping for those special little things for my kid's advent boxes, comfy PJ's and slippers, Starbucks, Christmas movies in the evening with a glass of wine, and spending time with my family.

Love your holiday bazaar display. Cute ideas! Thanks for sharing!

AnnMarie said...

My favorite thing about the holidays is being able to be around (and tolerate) my family with a fully stocked bar :D happy holidays!!

Anonymous said...

My favorite thing about the holiday season is Christmas Eve - my husband and I drink scotch and play with the new Legos we give each other each year. It's a nice way to relax between the mayhem of the month prior and the exhaustion we will feel after spending Christmas day with my extended family.

belles♥mom said...

I love reading by the Christmas tree, decorating my moms house, shopping for stocking stuffers and how wonderfully excited my daughter gets when she realizes that Christmas is here!!

SnoopyMeg said...

My favorite part of the holidays is my crazy ass family and my husbands steak and lobster xmas dinner!

Anonymous said...

My favorite part of the holidays is waking up at the butt crack of dawn on Christmas morning, turning on music and opening gifts.

Anonymous said...

I just went to a craft fair last Friday and it was badass! I came home with the cutest fanny pack that looks like a skirt and I'm pretty sure it was the coolest thing I've ever found...

It's hard to say what I love most about the holiday's but I think at the top of the list is the 'smell' of the season. I love the smell of Christmas trees and cookies baking and cinnamon and fresh snowfall and all that deliciousness...

Well, either that or being able to drink Bailey's in my hot chocolate...

Rachel said...

Love this giveaway! How fun. Let's see--favorite thing? Food, family, being together, decor, parties, and of course the mistletoe :) Sure hope I win :)

Stacy Kaye said...

My favorite thing about the holidays is the fact that my family has forced togetherness for at least a few days! We fight, we laugh, we stay up wayyyyy too late...and we always make my gram's recipe for divinity, my auntie's recipe for dill pickle wraps, and at least some kind of tasty dessert!

vickiswanson said...

Even tho Noelle & the kids live close they have very busy lives & little time 4 good ole MEME. Whats good about the holidays is that with no school there is a chunk of time without schedualed events & some bonus time 4 me & Papa Tim!

Amy said...

Love your setup! I wish I wasn't so stinkin' busy and would've made it out to see you. My favs this season include...peppermint everything (ice cream, hot cocoa...), Christmas cards, singing Christmas carols, all of the fun things to do with the kids!

Sonya said...

I love my Christmas decorations! I love setting them up and staring at them for about 2 months! I'd leave them up year-round if I could!

@JessEsco said...

You are too cute. I think this whole elf on the shelf Ava is so excited about is gonna be my favorite.

MommyLisa said...

Oh - Can I have the schnapps cocoa and a make out session under the mistletoe with T-bone?

the cape on the corner said...

count me in for this.

my fave thing is super corny-it's just this sense of everyone looking forward to the same thing. shopping for presents, listening to hokey music.

Yostee said...

Your stand looks freakin' amazing!!! I wish I had one creative bone in my body!!! I wish I lived closer and was able to attend. We just got a new house and I can't wait to have real decorations!!!

I love all your typical Christmas stuff - the kids excitement, the sparkle of the lights and decorations, the hustle and bustle of it all. We have my mom over for Christmas breakfast (recipe ideas?!?), which I love. BUT the one thing I love about Christmas is the dysfunction that unravels as the night goes on. The more beverages that are consumed, the more people tell each other how they really feel and yet nobody will retaliate simply because it's Christmas and that's not what the day is about!!! Come the 26th nobody cares or remembers what went on the day before!!! :o)

Howell said...

my favorite holiday things is the family getting together. it always seems too far in between.

hlee99 (at) gmail (dot) com

wizardewu said...

My favorite holiday aspect is enjoying the lights on the Christmas tree.

eugeniewu at gmail dot com

Nicole said...

I love basking in the glow of the tree while listening to 24/7 Christmas music!

Anonymous said...

I have 2 sisters just like you (aren't we so lucky) and we have just as much fun as you guys do!!! We are silly in public and laugh and laugh at ourselves even when others do not think we are so funny! We have had the Christmas balls (ours were from Penny's) So I would love to share in some of your Christmas goodness!!! Thanks and a great holiday.


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