This is one turkey that doesn’t want to get cooked for Thanksgiving. He’s disguised as our favorite superhero and hoping to avoid being stuffed. {It is amazing the shit you do as a parent, like spending an hour making a tiny Spiderman costume for a paper turkey just to see the happy look on Finn’s face when he shows all of his school friends.}
Tomorrow the feast is upon us! I’m responsible for the table setting, the gravy making, a pie “baking” {also known as picking it up from the store} and I am trying my hand at a corn pudding for the first time ever.
What are you bringing to Thanksgiving dinner?

I am making a chocolate pecan pie - I got the recipe from "The Chew" I'm not sure if the family will eat it or not, but I will make it!!! I am not one to cook and I know there is always slight hesitation from everyone when I do make something. I think the bastards think I am trying to oust them... I hope you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving!!! You have a lot to be thankful for this year :o)
that's the exact same way i make pies! i have actually never made a pie in my life. i thought about making one this year, but then i decided not to do that to my family.
This is my daughters first Thanksgiving, and my husband and I's first one away from family, so my husbands boss invited us over for their family celebration!
We are bringing green bean casserole, green rice (a broccoli/cheese/rice casserole), sweet potatoes (with brown sugar and pineapples!), and homemade cranberry sauce!
We will definitely miss both of our families this year, but we're doing our best to have a good time anyways!
THAT is a great turkey costume! :)
Two pumpkin pies - one gluten free, one regular and mashed yams with goat cheese (yum!). My contribution is EASY this year!
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