21 September 2011

The Wedding in Pictures

atlanta 088

atlanta 078 

atlanta 070

atlanta 093 atlanta 105

atlanta 114

atlanta 124

atlanta 175 atlanta 177

atlanta 172

atlanta 185 atlanta 206

atlanta 233

atlanta 216


  1. The bride's dress is beautiful! Looks like you all had a great time.

  2. What a pretty church and what a fun time!

  3. I love your dress! I love weddings!

  4. Love your dress! Love the bride's dress! What a lovely wedding!!!

  5. I love weddings! Thanks for sharing the pictures. Looks like all went well and everyone had a great time.

  6. Oh my! HER DRESS IS GORGEOUS and SOOOOO ROMANTIC! Sigh. You look great! I love, love, love that dress on you! What a fun time. I miss weddings. Most of my friends are married off now as well as family for awhile.

  7. Just stumbled across your blog and I was instantly hooked! Can't wait to keep reading...I'm your newest follower :)

  8. This groom has the most Irish name ever! :)


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