30 September 2011


Excuse my 3 month absence while I fiddle with Pinterest.  Kidding.  Sort of.  {That really is what happened when I fell in love with Facebook.}  People have been inviting me and telling me about it for months and I kept holding out because I don’t need another time suck.  Don’t.  Need.  Another.  And yet, like a moth to a flame, here I am.  So Jen and Amy and  Brittany and Karen and Cheryl et al…

Come follow me.  I am already addicted.

I need more pretty stuff to fill my boards and I need to figure out how to unfollow some of the people they have me automatically following. 

Baby steps.

And pretty things.



Have a great weekend & see you Monday!


  1. Pinterest = CRACK!!! I have spent many nights staying up waaaay later than I should and thinking I can become so crafty!!! I think it's such an awesome idea but honesetly, pinetrest should also come with pinterest anonymous!!! It has given me a ton of ideas though for when I am off on maternity leave (things to do with the kids, dinners to make, homemade Christmas gifts). Happy pinning... :o)

  2. Funny, I do go lurk around Pinterest for ideas for things. I got an invitation and signed up, then couldn't actually figure out how to pin things on my boards or find a help page. Maybe I was unconsciously not figuring it out so I wouldn't get sucked in. But I keep hearing everyone saying they are getting sucked in!

  3. I am an addict. I probably pin more than 100 items a week. I have over 60 something boards. My spending on magazines has gone to just about $0. I love it! Have fun pinning. You can follow any of my boards. I a under Necole Kell

  4. I'm following you! Yay! I loooove Pinterest.

  5. So glad you joined! I can't stop pinning. I already Love the names of your boards. Can't wait to see all your pins!!

  6. Now following you!! I am OBSESSED with Pinterest!!

  7. yeah, i recently gave in to addiction & joined too.

  8. Pinterest is AMAZING and the biggest time suck of all the time sucks (except reading blogs, obvs). I am under no circumstances allowed to peruse the food boards...one random 'fried goat cheese' recipe made its way to the home decor section by mistake about 3 weeks ago and I clearly haven't stopped thinking about it.

    Baylor Says...

  9. I'm in love with Pinterest. And now I'm following you! Yippee for new time sucks!


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