I was there when she argued with her mother. When she got her first period. When she joined the dance team. I watched her take care of her siblings like they were her own. I watched her blush talking about her first crush. I lectured {with no room to talk} when I found out she’d started smoking.
Tomorrow, she is getting married.
My cousin Meghan.
And we’re on a plane to Atlanta to be there.
I get to watch her put on a stunning white dress, make her vows, and become a wife to Flynn.
A wife, y’all.
We will dance and drink and carry on with old friends and embrace our crazy family.
We will celebrate my sweet little Meggy.
She is strong. And intelligent. And talented. And opinionated. And hilarious. And a great Mama.
I am so incredibly proud of the woman that she is. So. Incredibly. Proud.
But I’ll always see her like this.
{Circa July 1995. Oh Atlanta, you were not kind to my hair.}
Love you Meghan!

Have fun! I hope you will be posting pictures! I love seeing wedding pictures;) And congrats to Meghan!!!!!
Aww, kids are growing up! I think I have that same Old Navy flag shirt from that era. Hehe.
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