12 August 2011


Yesterday we went to the zoo with friends… one last visit before school starts and the fun ends.  They spent the majority of the morning walking around hand in hand.

zoo 001

Getting absolutely soaked from the stream in Nature’s Neighborhood.

zoo 008 zoo 014

Pretending to be Spider{man}

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And stopping at the information carts to learn more about the animals.

zoo 021

Not to mention visits with the baby elephant, snow leopard, seals, and polar bear.

Hope you have a terrific weekend, get out and enjoy the gorgeous weather!


  1. If only the weather was gorgeous here. I live in Texas. Oh well, we did get a little taste of fall yesterday. The temperature dropped to 85 degrees.

  2. Finn looks so big in the spider picture...all grown up!

  3. We had a fun time! The girls think they're famous now!


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