Tate Quinlyn.

01 July 2011

{Finally she has a name.}

Tate 040

Tate 049 Tate 109

Tate 079

Tate 137


Melissa {TheScarletCardinal} said...

YAY! It's official! I love her middle name as well!

Tate sounds great with Finn too. :)

Bunny @ 86n It said...

Love the name. Love her.
Just look at that first photo.
It's too much.

Shannon said...

Congratulations again!!!! Everyone looks so happy, and Tate is beautiful!

MommyLisa said...

LOVE! LOVE! LOVE! The name and the photos - especially with the tongue out!

Sonya said...

I love her name!

Anonymous said...

I absolutely ADORE the name Tate! And, she is beautiful!!!!

Belinda said...

So sweet. Both she and her name!

Samantha said...

Too much cuteness! She is so beautiful and I love the name :)

The bow on her hat in the last picture is sweet!

Stacy Kaye said...

Oh my word...LOVE IT! LOVE the name, love the looks she is giving you, love the pride on Finn's face, love it all. LOVE her! She is just tooo gorgeous!

Holly Lefevre said...

What a beautiful name! Unique with a classic ring to it! Gorgeous photos...makes me miss not having a baby (and that is hard to do!).

CONGRATULATIONS! I'd make you dinner if I lived closer!

Unknown said...

Omg Congrats!!! She is beautiful!
I love the pics of Finn holding her. So happy for you!


Tricia said...

Oh, what a great name! I love all of the pictures, but especially the top one where she is gazing up at you. How do you stand the sweetness???

Unknown said...

Congratulations! What a beautiful little girl you have there. She is so precious and so sweet,love the pictures. And I absolutely love the name....interesting and different but not weird at all;) ENJOY your new baby girl!

erika said...

She's lovely.

Katie said...

LOVE!! Congrats again!

Jessica @ Wanting Adventure said...

Oh my goodness - she is BEAUTIFUL! That last picture with her tongue? Adorable. Love the name and congratulations!

lo said...

CONGRATS!! She's beautiful and I love the name!

Unknown said...

I go out of town and you name the baby. Go figure. ;-) I love her name; it will grow up beautifully and she can be anything she wants. No one will ever pigeon-hole Tate.

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