You would think that by the time you’re 35 years old, you’re old enough to not need your mother anymore. Oh sure, at 16 or 17 or 18, you’re SURE you don’t need your mom anymore, but really you’re a dumbass. But at 35, it seems like you should be over needing your Mama.
I am not.
Sure, sure, she drives me absolutely nuts at times, to which Dave will attest. She is an awful driver, but a champion {we are talking world class here} parallel parker. She gets Finn maddeningly hyped up and gives him juice and buys him gifts at every turn. She sometimes has to be told she’s overstepping bounds. I know you’ll be shocked to hear this, but we’re rather blunt in my family. Sometimes, frankly, she needs a kick in the ass. But for every time I am crazed by something she’s done, there are 12 times that she’s done something wonderful.
A hug right when I need it.
Coming home to a spotless house after being in the hospital.
She hosts every family dinner and occasion without complaint even though I know the amount of time and energy it takes.
We go to the Farmer’s Market every Saturday morning and she takes Finn to get his lemonade and ‘breakfast cookie’ so Dave and I can stroll around together, just the two of us.
She calls me just to see how I’m feeling.
She loves Lyndsey and I equally, but differently. A delicate mix to be sure, and something I hope to achieve with my children.
She is an endless source of laughter. Belly cramping, people looking at us like we’ve lost our minds, tear inducing laughter.
She is there. At four in the morning or in the middle of a meeting. She is always right there if I need her.
She gives of herself every single day. Fully. To work. To her family, friends, and strangers alike.
She is a champion for those who don’t realize their own worth.
She is more than my mom, she is my friend. I genuinely admire who she is as a person.
And today, she is old.
Jan Bob, there would be an unmistakable void in our lives without you in it.
I hope you have the best birthday ever. I love you.
And so does Dave. And Finn. And Lyndsey. And Richard. And Meme. And your brother and your sisters. And every one of the friends you’ve had since you were twelve. And the new ones you’ve made along the way. And random strangers on the internet who read stories about the time you met Snoop or “that guy” from Nine Inch Nails.

Happy birthday, Janet!!
Aw! Happy Birthday to your Janet!
Happy Birthday, Janet!
I really don't think there is ever a time that we quit needing our mamas. I'm 28 and I still need mine :)
What a lovely, funny tribute to your mom! She sounds amazing and I hope that she has a great day!
Happy Birthday from one Janet to another!
Here I was... ahhing and oohing and mmhmming about the nice and irritating things about your mother... and you piqued my curosity about "we're blunt in my family"....
And, tada, you did not disappoint. "Today she is old." made me snort my tea out my nose. Thanks ;)
I also originally had happy fucking birthday, but then I thought maybe the internet wouldn't get that term of endearment... though she totally would!
Aw, that is so sweet! Hehe. Happy birthday to mom!
OMG - I love your mom too from all the stories. Happy BIRTHDAY to her!!!
I love your mother. I love this post. I love you. You just made me laugh until I cried and then I snorted and Jon gave me a disgusted look. Happy birthday to the wonderful Janet!
ha ha. A happy birthday to your mom. Sounds like she deserves it. Aren't moms great?!
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