Compulsive List Maker

19 May 2011

Hello, my name is Michelle and I am a compulsive list maker.  That’s right.  I make lists.

Grocery lists, packing lists, blog lists, cleaning lists, “to do” lists, baby lists, house lists… the lists, they are endless.  I cross the done things out with a single line through it, preferably with a black Sharpie.  The lure of the cross out is so tempting that I’ll write a cleaning list that includes Living Room: vacuum, dust, windex… just so I can cross them all off individually.  I’ve got it bad.  BAD, I say!

It drives Dave absolutely nuts.  He is decidedly not of the list making type.

The things that don’t get done get moved to a new list.  You can see why finding 5 lists with a dozen crossed out things and repeats of those that never get done might drive Dave to drink just a little?

Which are you, list maker or not?


Anonymous said...

I. Love. Lists!
I make them for everything and I'm pretty sure it's for the sole reason of crossing things off of it. I have a bad addiction to buying paper just for list making.
You are not alone.

Tam. said...

It's sooo satisfying to cross things off.

deborah said...

i'm a fly by the seat of my pants girl. my husband? makes lists.

Melissa {TheScarletCardinal} said...

Sometimes I write things down that I've already completed...just to cross it off... *shamed*

Anonymous said...

I am not a list maker, but I am a compulsive Post-It Note poster. Currently I have 25 (I just counted!) on my desk. Each has a meaning that I usually only I understand (it may only have one word on it). Whatever works, right?!?
Kelly T

@JessEsco said...

I'm a list maker lately at work. Not at home. When I bother with a list for groceries? Unless I scratch stuff off I STILL forget shit. Great huh?

As for the cleaning, I barely clean so yeah, no.

Emily said...

Total list maker. It's a sickness.

Meg said...

Holy hellcats on the list making. I too live for the 'cross off'... I make lists on Saturdays for cleaning the house just so I can feel accomplished... and also so I can leave said list out in plain view so the hubs can see just what I did while he was out having fun.

Jessica @ Wanting Adventure said...

I do the same thing! There are things like wipe the counters down, vacuum and wear my retainer. I love crossing things off! I use Remember the Milk so I always have my to do list ready. :)

SnoopyMeg said...


MommyLisa said...

I make grocery lists and shopping lists and lists for packing for vacations - but I don't do lists at work very well.

Amy said...

I can't imagine my life without a list.

sherry stanfa-stanley said...

I even make lists of lists, such as "Write packing list," "Write cleaning list," and "Write writing list."

Sometimes, I add items I've already finished to the list, just for the satisfaction of crossing them off.

the cape on the corner said...

this makes me giddy and excited, which is just so wrong. i love listing, yes, it makes me feel in order and less frazzled getting things down on paper. when a list has a few remaining items, i can't take the messiness, and so i need to create a new list with those items. and so on and so on. i even bought these books, called list yourself, and you list all of your favorite things per category. it is marvelous.

Sonya said...

Yes! I'm compulsive too! My husband says that I make lists of my lists! I actually have made lists of my lists recently because I'm getting ready for my big summer cleaning & organizing once the school year ends! I get it honestly from my mother!

Suburban Sweetheart said...

I'm half with you. I LOVE making lists.. but then I rarely use them!

Just A Normal Mom said...

I would get nothing done without my lists! I am a constant list maker - for everything!

lo said...

It's a little bit out of control with me and my lists. I have a list app on my phone for on the go additions and I also have a bunch of tiny notebooks that I keep JUST to make super specific lists. For example, one is dedicated to Books I Want To Read, TV Show I Want To Watch, my Life List and more.

Bobbie Hendron said...

I have lists for EVERYTHING. I have several notebooksdedicated to lists. Even if I already have something finished and it wasn't on the list, I'll write it down just so I can mark it off. I thought I was just a little nutty, but I'm glad there are more people like me out there. :)
I have "Want to do" lists, Shopping lists broken down into; household, personal, groceries, and sometimes crafts (because I Just LOVE crafts. Then of course to do lists and cleaning lists... sigh... Lists :)

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