19 May 2011

Compulsive List Maker

Hello, my name is Michelle and I am a compulsive list maker.  That’s right.  I make lists.

Grocery lists, packing lists, blog lists, cleaning lists, “to do” lists, baby lists, house lists… the lists, they are endless.  I cross the done things out with a single line through it, preferably with a black Sharpie.  The lure of the cross out is so tempting that I’ll write a cleaning list that includes Living Room: vacuum, dust, windex… just so I can cross them all off individually.  I’ve got it bad.  BAD, I say!

It drives Dave absolutely nuts.  He is decidedly not of the list making type.

The things that don’t get done get moved to a new list.  You can see why finding 5 lists with a dozen crossed out things and repeats of those that never get done might drive Dave to drink just a little?

Which are you, list maker or not?


  1. I. Love. Lists!
    I make them for everything and I'm pretty sure it's for the sole reason of crossing things off of it. I have a bad addiction to buying paper just for list making.
    You are not alone.

    It's sooo satisfying to cross things off.

  3. i'm a fly by the seat of my pants girl. my husband? makes lists.

  4. Sometimes I write things down that I've already completed...just to cross it off... *shamed*

  5. I am not a list maker, but I am a compulsive Post-It Note poster. Currently I have 25 (I just counted!) on my desk. Each has a meaning that I usually only I understand (it may only have one word on it). Whatever works, right?!?
    Kelly T

  6. I'm a list maker lately at work. Not at home. When I bother with a list for groceries? Unless I scratch stuff off I STILL forget shit. Great huh?

    As for the cleaning list...um, I barely clean so yeah, no.

  7. Total list maker. It's a sickness.

  8. Holy hellcats on the list making. I too live for the 'cross off'... I make lists on Saturdays for cleaning the house just so I can feel accomplished... and also so I can leave said list out in plain view so the hubs can see just what I did while he was out having fun.

  9. I do the same thing! There are things like wipe the counters down, vacuum and wear my retainer. I love crossing things off! I use Remember the Milk so I always have my to do list ready. :)

  10. totally NOT a list maker, Flynn-HUGE LIST MAKER, MAKES LIST ABOUT THE STUPIDEST SHIT EVER!!!! He has got it SOOO BAD!

  11. I make grocery lists and shopping lists and lists for packing for vacations - but I don't do lists at work very well.

  12. I can't imagine my life without a list.

  13. I even make lists of lists, such as "Write packing list," "Write cleaning list," and "Write writing list."

    Sometimes, I add items I've already finished to the list, just for the satisfaction of crossing them off.

  14. this makes me giddy and excited, which is just so wrong. i love listing, yes, it makes me feel in order and less frazzled getting things down on paper. when a list has a few remaining items, i can't take the messiness, and so i need to create a new list with those items. and so on and so on. i even bought these books, called list yourself, and you list all of your favorite things per category. it is marvelous.

  15. Yes! I'm compulsive too! My husband says that I make lists of my lists! I actually have made lists of my lists recently because I'm getting ready for my big summer cleaning & organizing once the school year ends! I get it honestly from my mother!

  16. I'm half with you. I LOVE making lists.. but then I rarely use them!

  17. I would get nothing done without my lists! I am a constant list maker - for everything!

  18. It's a little bit out of control with me and my lists. I have a list app on my phone for on the go additions and I also have a bunch of tiny notebooks that I keep JUST to make super specific lists. For example, one is dedicated to Books I Want To Read, TV Show I Want To Watch, my Life List and more.

  19. I have lists for EVERYTHING. I have several notebooksdedicated to lists. Even if I already have something finished and it wasn't on the list, I'll write it down just so I can mark it off. I thought I was just a little nutty, but I'm glad there are more people like me out there. :)
    I have "Want to do" lists, Shopping lists broken down into; household, personal, groceries, and sometimes crafts (because I Just LOVE crafts. Then of course to do lists and cleaning lists... sigh... Lists :)


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