It’s spring {ok, ok LATE spring} and that means the dreaded cleaning must begin. It doesn’t help that for the last few months, we’ve been bunking with Finn while our bedroom is overhauled AND my nesting is kicking into high gear. The combination is a recipe for scrubbing down every surface in sight and just in time too because this house is a DISASTER area right now.
I must confess, I have tried an impressive amount of cleaning products. Much to my mom’s dismay, I am not a neat freak or a cleaning maniac by nature, but somehow the lure of a new product kicks me into cleaning gear. I am a marketers dream. Something new? Ooooooh shiny. Even better if it makes my cleaning routine faster.
Ha! You see there? I don’t even have a cleaning routine! But, if a product is so good that it gets me out to lunch with my friends faster or an extra half an hour of nap time, I’m all about it. Even better if it smells luscious and makes Dave think that he married someone that sort of knows what they are doing. You know… a miracle product.
Ok, so there are no miracle products or we would all be using them. There are, however a few products I absolutely love and to which I am extremely loyal.

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Microfiber Cleaning Cloths. Oh my love for these, is undeniable they are so useful for cleaning everything and they are re-usable. I use them for dusting, for cleaning glass, for cleaning stainless steel, for wiping down counters, and for scrubbing floors. We bought ours at Costco, a giant pack of them for super cheap. {I think they were in the auto section actually.} Just pitch them into the washer and voila, good as new. You’re not supposed to put them in the dryer with fabric softener, but I always do and they’ve still lasted 3 years and are going strong.

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Arm & Hammer Oxy Laundry Detergent in Fresh Scent. This laundry detergent is my absolute favorite for a few reasons. Dave is allergic to some other brands, I absolutely love the scent, and unlike some other detergents, I feel like this rinses very clean and never leaves a residue on our clothes. I also love that they frequently have coupons and their regular prices aren’t outrageous to begin with.

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Method Stainless Steel Cleaner. I’ve tried a few things over the years for our {perpetually fingerprinted} fridge and our stainless worktable that we use as an extension of our counter. We’ve used wipes and three or four other brands of cleaner, but Method smells really, really good and in combination with the microfiber cloths, takes just a minute to spray on and wipe away all those prints. Method products can be a little pricey, but one bottle of this stuff lasts forever.

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Mr Clean Magic Eraser. This is just an occasional use item in our house, but one that I always have on hand. I don’t even need to know what makes this ‘magic’ I just want to enjoy the awesomeness. Crayon, scuffs, all kinds of random weird marks… they DISAPPEAR people, with just a swipe or two of the eraser. Truly magic.
Honorable Mentions: Mrs Meyers Clean Day Lemon Verbena countertop spray smells SO good it feels like a room freshener rather than a cleaner. Plain old Clorox Bleach mixed with water for disinfecting the entire bathroom & kitchen sink. Windex for my mirrors & windows. Our Dyson also gets a mention, it’s so fun to see all the junk you’re vacuuming up {and makes you feel like you should be doing it more often} plus, I love all the tools it comes with, great for cobwebs and pet hair!
Your turn, tell me your faves! Have you done any spring cleaning?
Disclosure: Just so we’re clear, the opinions stated are my own, I have not been compensated in any way by any of these companies.