Link Love Because My Head Just May Explode

09 March 2011

I am the lucky recipient of another head cold.  I mean, it has been a whole three weeks since the last one left so I was due for one, no?  I’d like to give a shout out to whichever disease vector that decided to pass their germs along to me.  There should be laws against giving pregnant women your germs.  And yes, I’ve already started with the nasal irrigation and have spectacularly not drown myself yet.

So without further ado, allow me to send you to some infinitely more fun places this morning.  Be spectacular guests and tell them all hello.

My friend Bunny has come up with the COOLEST 1st Birthday Invitations for her daughter.  You will love these, it isn’t very often that I am jealous, but color me green.  They are so clever.

I love the idea of a mini leprechaun breakfast from One Charming Party.

Adorable cardboard guitars from Make It & Love It.

Feel free to share more cool links in the comments!  I have nothing better to do today than to sit on the couch, sipping on gin & juice, and visit your favorites.  Finn is ecstatic at the thought of getting to watch ‘kid shows’ it’s not very often that we have the tv on during the day.


Bunny @ 86n It said...

Thanks for the shout-out.
Hope you feel better soon!

Just Jen said...

I have a Neti Pot and LOVE it. The first time I used it, I was scared of it, but it made me feel so much better.

MommyLisa said...

Argh - feel better.

Tina L. Hook said...

I am lovin' those cardboard guitars. So cute.

Thanks for visiting me last week. I try to return all of my comments.

Sorta Southern Single Mom said...

Oh no! Feel better! I'm back in the classroom for the first time in a long time this year, so I'm pretty much in the same boat!

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