Finn could care less when I make coffee, but when Daddy is making it he runs at full speed from wherever he is in the house to help. He gets really upset when Dave just makes a single cup in the Senseo… it’s not nearly as fun as the coffee maker. Daddy lets him carefully measure out each spoonful of beans and doesn’t lose his patience {too much} when he’s groggy {has bed head} and wants that first cup… you see, Finn takes several tries just to get the perfect scoop each time. His favorite part though is grinding the beans. Grinding the beans is serious business.
It is one of my favorite things to watch.

So sweet. I need a coffee maker like that- I think mine is broken! :)
That is seriously cute.
From a fellow coffee drinker, Finn has it right. Grinding beans is serious business! ;-) Very sweet pics - fun Daddy-son times.
Oh man this is so cute! Next you have to teach how much fun bringing Mommy fresh waffles and scrambled eggs in bed is :)
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