Cheesecake Filled Strawberries

08 March 2011


Ok, this tutorial is going to be super long and involved.  I mean, it’s a matter of utmost importance that you are super handy in the kitchen to accomplish this difficult task.  You may need to take a course at Le Cordon Bleu to be able to serve these.

Or not. 

It’s easier than the Sea Salt Chocolate Dipped Oreos, but only because you don’t have to microwave anything.

They took all of five minutes to make, most of that was washing the berries.

  1. Wash the strawberries.  It’s best to pick fairly big berries for this task.
  2. Dry the berries.
  3. Core the berries with a paring knife.  That just means taking the stem and some of the center out.  It’s best to cut a little more out of the middle so it has more room for filling.
  4. Open a tub of pre-made cheesecake filling because you’re super lazy.
  5. Put cheesecake filling into a piping bag.  {I dyed mine green to look like the berry top, but you can just put it in plain.}  If you don’t have piping bags, by all means, use a baggie with the end snipped off.
  6. Pipe cheesecake into berries and try not to consume every single one as you’re done.  As you can see from the last pic, that is a pretty impossible task.



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I got the idea from Baker’s Royale, where she is decidedly not lazy AND more fancy because she actually made the cheesecake and then she dips them in chocolate. 

I posted it to the So Wonderful, So Marvelous Facebook Page back in January… see!??  If we’re not Facebook friends already we need to be!  You could have been eating these suckers for 6 weeks.  Get over there and play with us.   Do it.  Do it now.


Samantha said...

This sounds like a yummy recipe to try at my mom's 50th party. Yum!

Michelle said...

SO easy. I just would make sure to fill them just before the party so that the filling doesn't get mushy from the berries.

Unknown said...

Hmmm...I wonder if I can get these done before my baby pops out...Its worth an attempt!

Just A Normal Mom said...

Wow! Another simple recipe to impress my friends with. Love it!

Alissa said...

These look super delicious and super easy! Yay!

**I came to your blog via the KludgyMom 500 today. **

Alexis said...


MommyLisa said...


@JessEsco said...

Why do you have to be so fancy! You make the rest of us look bad. Also? Send me some of those.

Michelle said...

Yeah right Jess, these were for a party... when no one is looking... I just dump some berries in a bowl and take a big spoonful of the cheesecake mix and dump it on top.

Shell said...

Oh, yummy! I have a tub of that cheesecake filling...but I was just eating it with a spoon. LOL

Meg said...

I believe the key part of this recipe is "cut a little more out of the middle so it has more room for filling".

And now I like you on facebook.

Meg said...

Also, because of your email, I believe this recipe could be TOTALLY weight watchers friendly... as long as I don't hollow out the berry for A LOT more filling :)

Missy said...

Oh.Em.Gee! I now know what food porn is...
I have to make these!

deborah said...

dang. all i have is strawberries. so to not be left out of the yummy goodness that you might share, i'm headed over to friend/like you on fb.

Tracy said...

I should not be looking at these at night :)
The look delish...I didn't know they sold premixed creamcheese filling...yumm.
Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog :)
I agree so over this snow

Jessica @ Wanting Adventure said...

Something that is so simple is so brilliant! I'm adding this to my list of "to try" recipes. Yum!

Statii emisie receptie said...

Great and so simple recipes. I never tried cheesecake strawberries before, but it sounds like such a light dessert. Thanks for sharing.

Stacy Kaye said...

OK first of all, these look AMAZING! can buy ready made cheesecake filling?????? I would buy it and eat it by spoonfuls! Good thing we don't have that up here!

TheGourmetCoffeeGuy said...

Great post and such an easy, delicious recipe! Thank you for sharing.

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