2010 at So Wonderful, So Marvelous

03 January 2011

My posts last year have ranged from fabulous parties, to the boring, to the ridiculous.  These, my favorites of 2010, aren’t the posts with the most views or writing that I am particularly proud of, but I think they most reflect who I am as a person.  I hope you’ve enjoyed this space as much as I’ve loved having you here.

January:  How to fix it so I can send you sweet ass email replies to your comments.  If you haven’t done this, do it.  Do it now.  Yes, I’m talking to you!

February:  I miss my plastic charm necklace.  Oh, and the sea salt chocolate covered Oreos are such a close second that I am linking those too.

March:  What a difference a year makes.  Little Miss Annabelle.

April:  Clomid and Finnegan and National Infertility Awareness Week.

May:  Random Acts of Kindness

June:  World, meet 6 1/2 year old me

July:  The one where I show you Finn’s Big Boy Room.

August:  Girlfriends.

September:  What do you DO all day? 

October:  Pumpkins and Hay Bales and Chickens, Oh My.

November:  The one where I reveal about how Spoiled I really am.

December:  Happy New Year, Dave threw up in my sink.

And one more thing?  Leave a link with your favorite post from YOUR blog in 2010, so I can take a peek!


Noelle said...

Happy New Year!

Thanks for the year in review! I almost forgot to give you many thanks for the Sea Salted Oreos. Hannah dipped them and Sophie was the salt sprinkle fairy and we packaged a bunch up as Christmas gift fluffers. They of course were a HUGE hit. Joe's aunt has already been out searching for vanilla sea salt because they love them so much they need more! Thanks again for sharing!

Missy said...

Spoiled? LOL
Happy New Year!

MommyLisa said...

This is one of my favorites from last year. http://www.mommysnest.com/2010/01/all-about-meme-and-how-bobby-flay.html

MommyLisa said...

OH! And I made the sea salt oreos with dark chocolate, golden oreos and plain fleur de sel. HUGE hit!

Anonymous said...


My new years resolution is to stop lurking ;) so here's one of my favorite posts of 2010.
Happy New Year!

Just A Normal Mom said...

The Oreos? YUM! But now I'm totally stuck on the Random Acts of Kindness, with lots of ideas swirling through my head... and a little tear in my eye!

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