Can you believe it? Today, it’s the first day that I don’t have a babysitter since before Thanksgiving. Thirteen days, that is a long time to not be alone. I love my family and friends, but dear LORD in heaven it is going to be nice for a little time with Finn. He is as much in need of our regular routine as I am. OK, it’s only for a day and Dave will likely be home at lunch, calling every 20 minutes and/or sending my dad over to check up on me, but it’s a start.
Poor Dave told me Friday night that he would like to just leave the house without having a panic attack and rushing home because he doesn’t want to be away for more than a few minutes.
I think that is husband code for, he likes me and doesn’t want me to croak on the bathroom floor, but I could be wrong?
Saturday was a good day, my best in fact. We went out for Japanese for lunch, then I walked around Costco for approximately 25 minutes before getting winded and tired and promptly coming home and sleeping for two hours. And of course, I paid for it Sunday when I felt like I was hit by a Mack truck and basically slept all day. But back to the happy Saturday part… it was the first day I felt almost normal and for that I am grateful.
Baby steps.
So, that’s up with me. I’ve been crawling through my reader catching up on you guys too, but why don’t you make it easier on me and just tell me in the comments what you’ve been up to. I miss talking to people who aren’t asking me what my hemoglobin count is, if I need to lie down, or if I feel ok. Are you done shopping? Is your house all ready with stockings hung by the chimney with care? Did you drink 14 martinis this weekend with your girlfriends and make an ass out of yourself? Tell me!

We had a cookie exchange and I made 4 batches of Vanilla Cherry Chocolate Chip cookies - I use TART Cherries and Dark Chocolate, I think it tastes better that way and we love dark chocolate.
We had a ton of snow - so I was a weekend widow with Boo Boo. She had Sunday School, swim lessons and we went to Target & the Y for Zumba on Sunday while the boys snowmobiled.
Saturday was all about the cookies and T-bone had to work.
Oh - and my 17 year old step-son finally got a job. At Target in the electronics dept.
Friday night was date night. We hit the new Cheesecake Factory for dinner and Peppermint Bark cheesecake before browsing in Target, Hallmark and Pier I.
Saturday we hit up some more sales for last minute gifts and celebrated being done early by going to bed early.
Sunday I cleaned the house and hubby decorated outside.
The temp is dropping, the smell of peppermint is in the air and I am actually looking forward to Christmas this year.
I have spending DAYS trying to figure out what to wear in London and Paris and not bring an entire steamer trunk with me. My husband might just divorce me for that one. Besides, I don't think we could afford to check a steamer trunk. Have you seen what they're charging for checked bags on international flights lately?
Have they figured anything out yet??? Do they know what happened?
NOW, onto the fluff:
This weekend we had maternity family photos done. Our former landlady-who happens to be an amazing photographer-did them for us for free and I can't wait to see them. It was a little cold, but the little man was a trooper and I believe we got some nice shots.
This weekend I also had dinner with a bunch of girlfriends for one friend's birthday. It was nice ot just be out with the girls having fun. Of course I didn't get wasted on martinis, but I would have! :)
We have as much decorating done as is going to happen this year between working, being exhausted, and just wanting to sit on the couch but hey, I got a bit done!
Hope you continue to do better and better. Did you find anything good at Costco? That place always gets me. I always find SOMETHING I don't need but realize I REALLY DO NEED!
We have unexpected snow and bitter cold temps. I am finished with the exception of Stocking Stuffers!
We have not partied yet, but this weekend looks promising...
Get stronger! Eat peanut butter!
Gah!~ I missssss you!
I should have called and I thought about it but I am major uncomfortable with feelings and all that.
I wish Santa would send me to your house for Christmas. I would totally do all your shopping and decorating.
Glad you got a little "normal" in your Saturday! It's amazing how fast you lose your stamina (especially when low blood counts are part of it!), isn't it? You'll get it back!
Shopping done? Bwahahaha
Decorations up? What decorations?
But hey, we attended a great Hanukkah party filled with Christmas sweaters and had a BLAST!
So glad you are feeling a little better and back to your "regular" ranting posts! I need some comic relief :)
I think I have an ulcer from getting ready for a Holiday Boutique on the 8th. So much to do, not one present bought, got the tree but 15 boxes of ornaments and lights are all over the living room and thank God Jack found the box with the star for the top. So much more stressed this year than ever.
Gotta go make more gift tags...
I lost my mind & agreed to maybe adopt a 2nd dog. A 6 month old golden retriever. We are on a trial period, but I am already overwhelmed. The decorations are done & I am feeling the time crunch to complete Christmas gifts.
I don't want you to croak on the bathroom floor either!
That's a damn good husband.
Shopping nearly done, except for the parents. I did most all of it so the man can finish the rest :) or I guess I'll accompany him to an actual store since my weapon of choice was Amazon.
Other than that, same old same old.
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