Well, I really wanted this post to be about pretty tables and turkey and gobs of Black Friday deals, but that’s not exactly how it went.
Wednesday morning I woke up and knew something wasn’t right immediately. I thought maybe I was just tired and got up to go to the bathroom. About halfway there I knew something was really really wrong. Most of those details are still fuzzy in my head but they involve me collapsing on the floor and screaming for Finn to bring me the phone.
I managed to call Dave and then crawled into the shower because in my logic, I thought a freezing shower would keep me from passing out. Thank God Finn was there to get the phone and Dave was home within minutes because if I had been alone the doctor is pretty sure that things would have been very very bad. I remember about 25% of the paramedics part including realizing I was naked from the shower and needed to get something on because I thought for sure my good friend, would be the one to arrive. {Thankfully, he wasn’t on duty.}
A lovely day was spent in the ER along with another two in the hospital for good measure. I have been poked and prodded, my arms are bruised and still burning from some of the stuff they gave me. The care I received was amazing, one ER nurse in particular, I am told by my doctor, basically saved my life and prevented needing a blood transfusion by asking for additional non-invasive tests that stopped things going from bad to worse.
When I came home, the first two days, I slept anywhere from 18-20 hours a day and even walking to the bathroom made me winded. Now I’m down to a respectable 15 ish hours of sleep a day and lots of resting. I need a babysitter for at least a week and follow up appointments and tests are scheduled. Right now, they’re looking for the source of the internal bleeding they think caused the excruciating pain and concentrating on getting my hemoglobin levels increased before doing any other tests.
They think I should feel back to normal within 3 weeks and most days I seem to feel just a little bit better than the day before. I’m taking that as a good sign. So, I know this is totally out of the blue, believe me… it was for me too. Posting for the next few weeks is going to be light and sporadic at best.

GET WELL SOON!!! Wishing you a very speedy recovery and good news at all the follow ups!
Oh Michelle! I'm so sorry! Take it easy and get lots of rest - we'll be here when you're ready. :)
Holy crap. I'm really sorry you went through all of that but I'm so glad you're back home now. Please oh please keep us posted.
Um,Holy crap girl! Know that I am thinking about and praying for you! Please, please, please, please for the love of God let me know if there is anything I can do to help! I'm so sorry this week has been so shitty for you!
oh no! that is scary!! get well soon! (and what an amazing little boy for being there to help you!!)
Good thing Joe didn't rush over right away like he wanted to!
Get better soon and remember we're just across the street. Thinking of you,
OH MY LORD! That is so scary Michelle...god I am glad you are on the mend.
Peace and hugs lady! You are in my thoughts.
Get well Soon & Happy Holidays!!!
Holy shit woman! I'm glad you are "ok" and thank God for Finn! Ugh. Feel better and take it super easy.
Glad you are doing better.. What a scary few days. My prayers are on their way over and will continue. Take care.
Wow, Michelle! If there is anything I can do for you, let me know. Feel better wishes are heading your way! Get lots of rest and take care of yourself!!
I am a new follower and just love reading your post but this one was scary. Hope you get better soon and fingers crossed all is well in the end. And what a brave little boy...good job Finn.
Oh my word my friend. I am so incredibly sorry. I am also thankful that Finn was able to bring you the phone. I am thinking of you and please let me know if I can do anything from afar...this would be one of those times I wish I wasn't just a blogging buddy and could actually DO something for you.
Oh my! Feel better soon. I'm visiting from SSS.
Michelle, feel better soon. What a great kid you have and thankfully Dave was able to come home quickly. I hope you recover quickly.
Sadface times 100. I'm so glad that you're doing better and hope you keep mending quickly! xo
Oh no! That is SO scary! So glad everything went the way it did, from Finn to the nurse. Take care of yourself, rest and make sure you pursue it until you get answers!
It must have been so scary for Finn. He is such a brave boy and a hero. My prayers are with you. Hope you have a speedy recovery.
I'm thinking of you, Michelle.
So scary! I have been there (internal bleeding due to endometriosis and it's just...astounding, how fast your body stops. I'm wishing you a speedy and complication free recovery!
Get well soon Michelle!
Scary! I'm so glad everyone was in the right place at the right time.
WoW! I will be praying for you!
Get well soon! Sending good thoughts your way.
Get well soon!
Holy smokes, woman! I'm glad you made it. When I read "transfusion" I was trying to connect the shower, and where the blood went. I get it now.
Seems like the bleeding has slowed otherwise they would not have let you home.
I hope they find the source and that you get better most expeditiously.
Wow. Prayers coming for you. Keep us posted and take care of yourself.
Wow, how incredibly scary. I'm so glad Finn was there to get the phone! And I'm also thankful for all those wonderful caregivers who take care of people in situations like that. I know a few of them and they are amazing.
Get better and concentrate on that! The blog world will be here for you when you feel better.
Oh my gosh!!!!!!! I am a horrible person for just now reading this. What a scary experience for you and your family! I am so, so sorry Michelle. I hope you are doing better and they've figured out the culprit of this incident.
How are you feeling? I know I'm all the way in Georgia, but if there's ever anything I can do, please let me know!
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