Miscellany… new with bullets!

16 September 2010
Oh, don’t you worry I’ll be back with the rest of our vacation slides for your viewing pleasure.  Just writing about trucks blowing off the Mackinac still gives me the heebie jeebies.  Incidentally, do you use and post reviews on Trip Advisor?  It’s one of my favorite travel sites and I always forget to write reviews when I get home when the memories are fresh, but this time I am adding it to my to do list.  My point was, the Michigan vacation chatting isn’t over, so stay tuned.
Today though, I have lots of random items to talk about.  I know, you’re saying, “well that is just a normal day of posting for Michelle” right?  This one is in list form though!  Did I ever tell you that I am a compulsive list maker?  I have to do lists and grocery lists and vacation packing lists and lists of projects that I’m working on.  Lots.  Of.  Lists.  I’m 95% sure it is the crossing off that has me hooked.  It drives Dave insane because I have lists of lists.  He doesn’t get it.  Are you a list maker or no?

  • The project I’ve been working on?  I entered a contest to be the Merrier Shopping Expert for General Growth Properties.  As soon as I read the description for this I immediately knew I was made for this job.  Made for it.  Christmas and shopping and decorating, oh my.  {Psssst… GGP if you’re reading this, you should unlink the pages you removed like FAQ, so you’re not sending people to 404 Error pages.  Oh, and PICK ME pretty please with sugar on top.}  It sounds like there were a lot of fantastic entries, I am really really nervous and excited.

  • The pic I submitted was taken by my amazingly talented neighbor friend Bridget Adams of Decisive Moment Photojournalism.  I have decided that I want to have her follow me around like my own personal paparazzi, plus she and Joe were cracking me up the entire time so I had real smiles.  Go on over to my About Page if you haven’t been there lately, she is also responsible for my new head shot since the old one was 15” of hair longer.  Remind me one of these days to tell you the story of how we met.  You know that whole fate thing?  This is one of those stories.   Anywho, she is amazing and wonderful and duh, anyone that can make you look good for all of eternity should be sainted.  Am I right?  If you’re in the area and very very lucky, you might be able to get one of their holiday portrait sessions.
  • Remember when I mentioned Rimmel London Steel Grey in the Stuff I Love post?  That’s it right there on my fingernails.  LOVE it.

  • Is it too early to start planning the Thanksgiving table because I’m pretty sure that I have it narrowed down already?  My sister is on the same wavelength, she called today with her ideas that are pretty similar to mine.  Yes, we are freaks.

  • Speaking of holidays, I am looking for a pair of {inexpensive} cowboy boots for Finn’s Woody costume.  Any ideas about where to look?  He’s still in toddler size shoes {I’ll need a 10 or a 10.5} so I’ll take any and all suggestions!  If I sewed, I would be making Finn’s cow vest, but luckily for me {and for him} my mother in law has volunteered to do it.

  • I keep having panic attacks about my ring being missing.  Dave took it to the jewelers yesterday to get cleaned and a diamond replaced and I won’t have it back for a week or so.  I keep startling myself when I feel it gone.  Weird.

  • I can’t believe I am admitting this, but after not having cable for 10 years or so, I actually told Dave I wanted it.  Want to know why?  Jersey Shore.  I watched my first episode and it was such a train wreck that I sat there mouth agape the entire time even though I didn’t understand 1/4 of what they were saying.  I know my friend Pea is going to be on my case when she reads this because I always make fun of her love for the JS.  Yes, I am ashamed of myself and yes, we’re really half considering cable.

  • All of these bullet points remind me that I have a to do list a mile long that I should be getting to!   


Samantha said...

I love the new pictures of you! You look great :) And your About page - I'd never looked at it before - ditto on the Republican husband and "best thing you've ever done" child. Totally agreed!

I totally think that GGP should pick you!!

Misc Momma said...

My son is going to be a cowboy for Halloween. Gymboree had a whole cowboy line and their boots may still be on the website, but I ended up getting the NICEST pair of cowboy boots online from Sheplers. They were like $35, but they're real leather and really nice! I also got him a real!!!! Woody hat from there. However, it barely fits my almost 3 year old. So if your son doesn't have a smaller than average head, it won't work for him.

Michelle said...

Oooooh thanks for the tips Tara!

Michelle said...

PS. I am getting him the hat + belt/holster thingy from the Disney Store.

Tiffany said...

First time on your blog and, girl, you are great! Love the photo and that nail color!

Meg said...

you are so funny. LOVE your pics!!! good luck!!! we don't have cable either (!) and every time i watch a trashy show at someone else's house i have temporary cable envy :)

SnoopyMeg said...

Please find at least ONE other reason to consider cable. I have not had TV for a year, I mean NO channels AT ALL and I finally got it, but my reason was FOOTBALL. A far cry from JS. Michelle you are better than that! And tell Finn that he should stick with his crush on Maddie cause Rachel is taken, and that I wanted Enzo to win also!

@JessEsco said...

this is why you are awesome :)

Amy said...

Great Photo--like your facebook one, AWESOME! My nephew is hooked on Woody, too. I'm pretty sure that my mom found his woody cowboy boots at Kohls. He wears them daily!

I'm in agreement with JS--but, if you liked it--Jerseylicious is even better! HIL-AR-I-OUS!!! I'm admittedly a trash-TV lover though. :0)

Mommara said...

I love this. You just made me laugh out loud with the cable and jersey shore thing. The picture is so cute and I am loving the polish color on you!

belles♥mom said...

Really, Michelle, Jersey Shore? Of all the shows in all the world THAT one is going to make you finally (possibly) take the plunge into cable, you seriously crack me up! Your pics are beautiful btw and Bridget and Joe are freaking amazing! Can't wait to see the trip pics!

Just A Normal Mom said...

Love the pics! The Merrier Shopping Expert - wow, hope you get it - sounds great!

LOL at JS. I agree, funny that THAT is the show to make you consider cable... ha!


Bridget said...

Two words for you: Top Chef!

belles♥mom said...

OoooO Bridget, I didn't even think about Top Chef, seriously Michelle you NEED Top Chef in your life, I have no idea how you've gone this long without it. Love, Tom Colicchio's future wife (psst don't tell Jon!)

Alexis said...

LOVE the picture! and that nail polish is fabulous. I can not believe you have not had cable for 10 years...I am addicted to TV although I haven't given then angels of the Jersey Shore a try yet :)

Jessica @ Wanting Adventure said...

I can't watch Jersey Shore. It's just really really odd.

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