In no particular order I’m looking forward to: Castle, How I Met Your Mother, Glee, The Office, The Mentalist, & The Good Wife.
And I’m totally angry with CBS for moving Big Bang Theory to Thursday nights. Stinking Thursday nights are full already and Big Bang is one that I loved on Mondays.
I’ve never been a big Survivor fan, but I think I’ll watch this season if for nothing else than to see what becomes of Jimmy Johnson. I’m not sure how his hair is going to survive.
What are you looking forward to?

Huh. I never watched Survivor either and was thinking of watching for JJ too.
For me it's House & I guess Grey's Anatomy (since I can watch online).
I'm not a big primetime tv person.
House, Lie To Me, Bones and of course The Office. When The Office isn't on, I start to miss Dwight and Jim and it's awful! This is going to be a good season.
The show that I watch with the hubby after they have been PVRd are:
The Office, Survivor, The Amazing Race...these we NEVER miss.
My personal shows are:
One Tree Hill-started it as a teen, can't let it go, Grey's Anatomy-although I have been known to let it sit in PVR land for weeks, and Private Practice. I'm not sure about Private Practice this year though...all of the freaky stuff happening to pregnant women on might make me have bad dreams!
Grey's & Brothers & Sister's. And the one I'm embarrassed to admit...The Bachelor. Don't hate.
Survivor, Amazing Race, Mentalist
New ones: Running Wilde, Blue Bloods, Lone Star
TIFFANY! I am shocked! Totally kidding, did you see my admittance of some Jersey Shore watching?? The Bachelor is tame in comparison.
I'm sad that I only watch two of your shows (Glee and The Office). There's just too many shows for me to watch on a daily basis.
Castle and The Mentalist - Yay! I think I have a girl crush on Kate Beckett. I can't turn off Survivor, and I round it out with NCIS and NCIS LA. It's like a sickness with me. I record them and watch without commercials. I'll even sneak in others shows when I can, which isn't often - there's only so many hours in a week! :-)
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