I don’t know about the rest of the country since my cousin Amaryah told me it was still above a hundred in southern California, but Fall has arrived here in Ohio. Oh sure, we’ve been apple picking already, Dave has started cutting everything in the garden back, football has started, but now the weather is catching up. It has been in the 60s during the day for the last few days and thankfully, it’s going to creep back up into the low 70s for the rest of the week.
I’ve decided I’m just not ready for the really cold stuff just yet.
We’re embracing this mini cold snap with a big pot of chili and some pumpkin cookies. I am weird about chili. I love tons and tons of beans, a little meat, and not a chunk of tomato in site. It’s my Meme’s method of chili making and it reminds me of coming home after school to a big pot of it waiting on the stove. I can’t wait for those smells tonight.
We are also going to make some of my friend Bridget’s Pumpkin Butter.
So, is it fall where you’re at or are you still enjoying summer?

We are enjoying fall now. Its been in the 60s this week and I, too, am looking forward to popping back into the low 70s. Especially since we don't have heat in the new house yet, thanks to a building violation with our furnace exhaust pipe (YIKES!). We are already planning lots of fall activities with Roxy and its my favorite time of year - YAY!
I got the flip flops on - but I have been itching to bake and bought the stuff to make scratch chocolate pancakes. ;0
We have finally cooled down here and I am glad. The chili sounds so good, but I like a lot of meat!
Its fall here. Cooked some banana bread tonight. The trees and in full fall colours :)
I'm in Northern California. It is so hot here right now! Its like our summer arrived 3 months late. Oh well. I am ready for fall too. :)
Pumpkin cookies? Pumpkin butter? Chili? I'm sold! Our weather can't decide what it's doing, but fall is definitely on the way. Just posted about it myself, today. Funny, I have all the ingredients for chili, and every time I think I'll make it, it warms back up! It'll happen eventually ;-)
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