15 August 2010

Stuff I Love Lately.

Bob’s Sweet Stripes.

New adventures.

Pinot Noir.

Rimmel London Lasting Finish Pro in Steel Grey. 

Sweet Cherries.

Secret parties.

Finn’s view on life.

Old friends.



What are you loving lately?


Disclosure, none of the items mentioned are paying me for this post.  Except Dave.  Because we’re married, not because I wrote this post.  Unless he wants to pay me for this post.  Dave?


  1. I love: your watermelon martini recipe
    our firepit
    new kitchen window
    that I finished one year of college biology this summer
    new friends
    my husband

  2. I'm living watermelon, spending time with my family, and days off work!

    Natasha from: http://days-of-natasha.blogspot.com/

  3. Ha, that should have said "I'm loving..."

  4. I am loving this new neutrogena lip gloss - but I cannot find it! :(

  5. i'm loving sunshine and swimming and beaches and house hunting!


  6. @Kelly, House hunting is SO much fun!

  7. I love this post! Totally stealing the idea.

  8. Super fun post! I am lovin' nothing right now...oh except watching my kids dance together to the iCarly theme song - they have a routine. Now, I must go find some more loves, because that is sad

  9. I'm loving that my daughter {might} be able to actually swim in the lake for the first time in her life after her surgery.
    I love the excitement of starting my clinical rotation.
    I love summer salads everyday {ok, not really but I've convinced myself I do so that I can fit in my bridesmaids dress}
    and I love that football season is SO close I can taste it!


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