13 July 2010

Grilled Peaches + Pineapple

Grilled Peaches + Pineapple

Cut peaches in half and pineapple in slices.
Dip in vanilla sugar or vanilla simple syrup.*
Put on a hot grill and turn once.
Cut into bite sized pieces + serve with vanilla ice cream.

Lovely way to enjoy summer fruits.

* To make vanilla sugar, simply store vanilla beans in sugar.  For simple syrup, put 1 cup sugar + 1 cup water in a sauce pan and heat until the sugar completely disolves into the water, cut open and scrape one vanilla bean adding to the simple syrup, allow to cool completely.

Linked to: Tickled Pink, Show & Share Day


  1. we always do this! but how have we never thought to put them on ice cream??? best idea ever. excuse to grill.

  2. Oh my goodness that looks super duper delish! I'll have to try it!

  3. Ahhhhh...YUM! This is one of my most favorite summer treats...grilled pineapple and vanilla ice cream...ridiculous...:)

  4. You read my mind...I have been wanting to make grilled fruit for dessert since last week...and ta-da, here you are with my answer!

  5. My favorite, grilled peaches!!! I will have to try the vanilla sugar.


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