I have lots to tell you, but first...
Want to join? I promise not to annoy the hell out of you with Farmville {who DOES that?} and/or share my addiction of Family Feud. It'll only be quality annoyances like updates on the blog and/or fun things I come across and want to share with you. Click here. Come sit at my lunch table. It's just me over there and I'm lonely. All the cool kids are doing it.
Next up, a sneak peek at Finn's big boy room...
I am *thisclose* to finishing it up. The wall color stayed the same because we love it, which also means easy. The last item, a fantastic $35 Craigslist find that needed a lot of attention. I'll have it for you in detail next week. I can't wait! It is such a cool space now even though I cried packing up all of Finn's baby things.
See the cute little number picture? I made it {and I use that term lightly} in 2.4 seconds and you can download it from my Scribd account in the classic colors seen above or a little bit of a girlie version as well.
Also next week? My family arrives for it's yearly pilgrimage to the Ann Arbor Art Fair. I have a big family dinner planned for Wednesday, I'll share the menu + recipes with you, of course.
My appointment with the Reproductive Endo was awesome. He recommended a different drug and had high hopes that numero dos will indeed at some point make his or her appearance and that all is not lost in the hope department. If you click to the wiki article, skip right on past the breast cancer stuff to the off label uses, bonus is that the side effects are supposed to be a lot easier to handle. Fingers crossed peeps. Fingers crossed.
Oh, and the bathroom? You know the one we started in March? Yep, that one. It's finally getting wrapped up as well. Why is it that my husband can tear out walls, have them back up, things tiled, and installed all in a week, yet the trim pieces take three months? I do not know the answer to that, but if you do, let me in on the secret. I'm practicing patience.
What else do I need to do in the next few days? Finish up my book club reading, get to the gym, and clean this wreck of a house.
I hope your Thursday is fabulous.

finn's room looks adorable-can't wait to see the whole thing. and fingers crossed for you for baby #2, glad things are looking up :)
Umm, is there room at the cool kids lunch table for one more?
Ok so when are you going to join Twitter????
I can't wait to see the room! I love, love, love how that number print came out- it's fabulous! I would love to link to it if you didn't mind.
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