07 June 2010

Summer List.

Last year, I read a post from Meg at Whatever about their summer list tradition.  Finn was too little to grasp the concept and have fun with it last year, but this summer he was able to help us make a great list of things to do.  Some, like playing soccer & swimming, he came up with all on his own.  We came up with 20 things and gave some, like the zoo & playground visits, a couple boxes to check off since we will do those more than once.  Since he is still little, I added clip art to some so he would have an easier time identifying activities.

Do you make a summer list with your kids?  What are some activities you have planned for the summer months?

Linked to Todays Creative Blog, A Silly Little Sparrow


  1. That is awesome and such a great idea. Um, and your list? Too pretty.

  2. LOVE it! I made my own summer list but I like the idea of making one with the monkey. He is still too little to get it but next year I think I will have to try that!

  3. that is the fanciest list i've ever seen--mine are all chicken scratch on little scraps of crinkled paper. i'm jealous. now i need a cool list. and finn looks like such a big boy!! so cute!!

  4. I love this idea!!! Mia is still pretty little to help with it but I'm totally going to have to create one!!!

  5. My 9yr old son wants to build a grapling hook, that should be a fun summer project!

  6. Such a great idea, it is so much fun thinking about what summer will bring!
    We are in the home stretch, only 4 more days of school...did you put Sleep on your list :)

  7. I LOVE it!! Did you do all the lettering? You are amazing visiting from TCB have fun

  8. Do not take that child to Put in Bay! Or I will call social services!

  9. Oh my goodness: How awesome is that list?! It's so pretty and sure to be a blast.


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