Tomorrow we're having dinner for my Janet's birthday and it should be a good one. We're still hashing out the menu since she isn't giving us anything to go on, so if you have any summery (non-seafood) recipes, I would LOVE any and all suggestions. Super bonus points to anyone that suggests something awesome! That also means a fabulous dinner party post for all y'all on Thursday. I can't wait to show you the little surprises we have in store for her.
I am pretty sure that when my husband sees this grilling tool at Incredible Things that he will order it immediately. Go ahead honey, you have my blessing.
He's probably pissed because I just posted on Facebook that Finn slept till 10 am this morning! Woo hooo. Maybe the grilling tool will distract his mind from the fact that on weekends when he can sleep in, Finn gets us up at 7:30. Maybe. So that is why my post is up late too.
We saw Toy Story 3 yesterday. It was Finn's first trip to the movie theater and he LOVED it. It was an incredible movie and I cried my eyes out! Have you seen it? Plans to see it? Without adding any spoilers I think they did a fabulous job wrapping it all up, yet leaving it open for the possibility of a fourth.
I would like to welcome BlogHer ads to my sidebar. I can pretty much guarantee that this will mean that I can buy several things at the Dollar Store after six months or so... I aim high peeps. I hope this isn't a distraction, I thought long and hard about it before leaping and I think it is a good fit for So Wonderful, So Marvelous.
And lastly but certainly not least, my dear friend lost her Mama to cancer last week. The funeral is today. I would ask that you just take a moment today and please send comforting thoughts to Lindsay and her family as they try to heal. This girl means the world to me, she is such a wonderful, thoughtful sweet friend. The kind of friend who would do anything for you and all I want to do is hug her right now.
Hope your Tuesday is wonderful.

I have an award for you! :)
Hmmm. A good SUMMER recipe? How fancy? Because I love my mom's chicken salad, but it is not fancy or complex.
Ring noodle pasta, chicken, green grapes, slivered almonds, mandarin oranges, a little onion, then she does mayo and I do mayo/sour cream split, and of course S&P!
It tastes best when you make a day ahead - the onion does its magic.
Hugs to your friend....cancer sucks ass and I hate it!!!
I've been wondering about the whole ad thing and PR thing?? Not sure what to do about it on my blog. Any advice??? I guess I don't even know how it all works....I'm kinda stupid like that!
Excited to hear about the dinner party!!!
I have a pasta recipe...I don't know how summer it is but it is SOOO yummy! Let me know if you want it, or maybe I'll just send it to you anyway!
Thanks for the birthday wish! I hope the ads work for you, I have no idea about all that stuff.
I'm very intrigued by this hot dog contraption... my adult ADD almost didn't let me make it through the rest of the post once I saw that. Mmmmmm.... smokey grilled flavor...mmmmm.
I'm sending lots of hugs and prayers for your friend. I lost my mom to cancer in May 2006. It is one of the most horrible things ever in life. I hope she stays strong, but also remind her to cry.
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